The Insellerate WebPhone allows users to make voice calls over the internet using a computer’s web browser without needing physical telephones. This type of phone utilizes the device's microphone and speaker or a headset and the user's internet connection to connect to the internet-based communication network. The Advanced WebPhone also has features like call forwarding, voicemail, and call conferencing, which are integrated into the Insellerate application.
This article provides the following information about the Advanced WebPhone:
Click the blue WebPhone tab on the right side of the screen.
The WebPhone control panel opens. The Insellerate application shifts to the left.
1 The Insellerate WebPhone number is the same as the Insellerate SMS number.
2 The WebPhone Status Settings dropdown gives you the option to turn your WebPhone to Online, Outbound Only, or Offline.
3 The Settings button allows users to configure their input/output audio devices, ringtone when receiving an inbound call, and auto-DTMF feature.
4 The arrow icon closes the sidebar WebPhone control panel.
5 The Phone Dial Pad section shows the dial pad to make outgoing calls.
6 The Voicemail Box section shows any voicemails received in the last seven days.
7 This section displays the number the user is talking to or the number the user dialed manually.
8 The Call button initiates dialing the number entered.
If you do not see the Voicemail icon, refresh your screen and it should display. |
Wait two minutes between call setting modes. |
Click the down arrow next to the phone number to open the Status Settings.
The Status Settings dropdown opens.
Online: When setting the WebPhone to Online, the user will receive inbound calls and can make outbound calls.
Outbound Only: When setting the WebPhone to Outbound Only, you can place outbound calls, you will not receive inbound calls. Inbound call options during Outbound Only settings are:
Find Me Follow Me
Default: If no Voicemail or Find Me Follow Me is set, your calls will forward to your Work Number in Insellerate same as they did without WebPhone.
Offline: When turning the WebPhone to Offline, you will not be able to make outbound calls or receive inbound calls. Inbound call options during Outbound Only settings are:
Find Me Follow Me
Default: If no Voicemail or Find Me Follow Me set, your calls will forward to your Work Number in Insellerate as they did without WebPhone
When switching from Offline you will need to go to Online before switching to Outbound Only. |
When on a connected call, you have additional call options.
Hold: Clicking the Hold icon places a call on hold, pausing communication.
Mute: Clicking the Mute icon places a call on hold, muting your microphone on the call.
Transfer: Clicking the Transfer icon allows you to join additional participants in the call.