
The Task Management screen offers three permission levels allowing users to manage tasks and approvals. Users can either self-approve content or require that tasks have an assigned approver. The approval process can have one level of approval or two, depending on the user's permissions. The approval process allows for efficient and flexible task management, ensuring that tasks are approved quickly and accurately while giving users the control to manage their workload effectively.

This article covers the following task management topics:

Task Management Options

When initiating a task, there are three approval options.

  1. Task Self Approval

  2. Task Approver

  3. Send for Approval

Task Approval permissions are determined at the organization level. Consult with your system administrator if you have questions about approvals.

Task Approval Process

Task Submitter

  1. Click the Submit for Approval button to initiate the task approval process.

  2. An email goes out to all approvers advising that a task is pending approval.

Task Approvers

  1. Click the Task Review link in the email that was automatically sent when the task submitter clicked the Submit for Approval button.

  2. If the task approver is already signed in they will be linked directly to the task preview that needs review on the Task Management screen.


    If the task approver is not already signed in, they will be taken to the Insellerate sign-in screen and must follow these steps to access the task preview that needs review on the Task Management screen.

    1. Sign in to Insellerate.

    2. Select Task Management from the inTouch dropdown menu.

    3. The Task Management screen opens, displaying all pending tasks.

Review Options

Approvers choose from the following four review options for each task on the Task Management screen: View, Edit, Decline, or Approve.


  • Approved tasks occurring in more than one hour can be canceled.

  • Tasks occurring in less than an hour cannot be canceled

Tasks approved after the scheduled time will be designed to go right after approval.

Task Management Navigation

Status Selection

The Status Selection option box offers several functionalities:

Add Task

Do not use the Task Management Add Task process. The button will be updated in a future release to direct a task creation to the Content Library.

Task Management Columns

Column Name


Task ID

Is the system-generated reference number for the task?

Task Name

Step 4 of the 5-Step Task Approval Process. Users can keep or edit the system-generated Task Name.

Submission Date

Displays the Date that the Task was submitted for approval.


Displays the status of the task approval.

  • Pending Approval

  • Pending Second Approval

  • Scheduled

  • Processing

  • Approved

  • Declined Second

  • Declined

  • No Applications Found

  • Completed

  • Partially Completed

  • Failed

  • Modified

Scheduled Date

The scheduled task date and time indicate the specific date and time for a task to be executed.

Action Type

The type of task.

  • Email


This field is being removed.

Estimated Count

Estimated number in the audience that will receive the communication.


Displays the processing state and updates the number only one time.

Approved By

Shows the user who approved the task.

Created By

Displays the user that created the task.


Step 5 of the 5-Step Task Approval Process allows users to input a note for review. This note will be displayed here.


Click on the comment icon to open the Approver Notes. Approvers can enter notes about their decision on the task.

  1. Comment icon

  2. Approver Notes panel

Decision Options

  • View

  • Edit

  • Decline

  • Approve

Task Reporting

Email Report

Completed tasks with emails sent can be seen on the Email Report.