
inTouch is the communication hub of Insellerate. You can create contact strategies to better communicate and build relationships with the leads via the following methods:


Permissions are required to access this feature.


The system limits the maximum number of emails and SMS messages that can be sent daily. These limits are set at the organization level as a layer of protection. They are in place to protect your number and domain reputation against accidental sends to large data sets. The daily limitations are set at:

If you plan to dramatically increase your use of emails or SMS, discuss the best implementation path with your Customer Success Manager. An example might include warm-up periods for your email ramp-ups.

Main Grid



Column Name



Indicates whether the inTouch path is active

Task Template

Displays the name of all the task templates within the inTouch path

inTouch Campaign

Displays the name of the inTouch campaign the path is a part of


Displays the name of the inTouch path


Displays any description added to the inTouch path

inTouch Template - Paths and Tasks