Classic - Email Action Template

Classic - Email Action Template

Fields in Email Setup





Email from User

Contains a list of all active users in the organization to be selected as a sender this will default to the Primary Agent.

Email To(s)

  • Contains a list of all the roles in the organization (such as Org Admin, Sales Agent, Branch Manager, etc.) and groups which include borrowers and external contacts to be selected as a recipient

  • Groups are a set of roles that can be held by multiple users within an organization. Examples include Borrower, Co-Borrower, Seller Agent, Buyer Agent, Primary Agent, Referral Partner, Buyer Attorney, and Seller Attorney.

  • Roles are unique to each organization and can be created within Superadmin. Only one user of each role usually exists within an organization.

  • The system limits the maximum number of emails that can be sent daily. These limits are set at the organization level as a layer of protection. The daily limitations are set at 100,000.

Default to Branch Email

  • Checkbox that can be checked to indicate the email will be sent from the email address of the primary branch of the primary agent of the lead

  • Either one of Email From user, Primary agent, or Default to branch email is required


Contains a list of all the roles in the organization (such as Org Admin, Sales Agent, Branch Manager, etc.) and groups which include borrowers and external contacts to be selected as a visibly copied recipient


Contains a list of all the roles in the organization (such as Org Admin, Sales Agent, Branch Manager, etc.) and groups which include borrowers and external contacts to be selected as an invisibly copied recipient


Load Email Contents

  • Contains a list of already saved email body content with which to populate the email body

  • Any new email body content written will need to be saved and will be added to the list

  • Click to create button will lead to create new content popup

  • Previously added email body content can be updated and cloned

  • Includes the option to use Stripo email editor



Email Body Format







  • Required field

  • A subject line for the email

Test Email

Can be manually added to test how the email will be received and appear before saving the action template

Email Body

  • Required field

  • Contains the content to be displayed in the email when it is sent

  • Maximum character length allowed for any email body is 200,000


Preset text formats such as paragraph, headings, styles

Standard Text Formatting Options

Includes text options such as bold, italic, underline, indentation, as well as inserting images and adding links


Email body viewable in HTML format and can be edited

Font Color

Color options available for text

Highlight Color

Color options available for highlighting text

Email Tokens to Add

  • Dropdown containing a list of all library fields per organization that can be added as tokens in the email body

  • Auto-populates lead details from inFlow of the application who receives the email

Clear Button

Removes the entire email body content


Provides a preview of how the email will appear


Adds a predefined email body to edit




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