Versions Compared


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Users will be able to listen to and keep track of each call that was made with a lead.  They will be able to access their call history within inFlow and listen to previous recordings from there.  Users can listen to their Outbound Calls (article) as long as the call was initiated through click-to-call.  To record with inBound and Direct calls, Insellerate must have 3rd party phone integration set up for your organization.

Where to find Call Recordings

Call recordings can be found under a lead’s Call Activity.  To access Call activity, user must be within inFlow with a lead selected.


Expand the Call Activity section to track history of calls that were made.  Users can click the calls that are blue under “Talk Time” to listen to that specific call recording.


All incoming and outgoing calls are listed within the Call activity section of a lead on the right side of inflow


  • The first column indicates the type of call

    • inbound or outbound

  • The second column indicates if the call is successful connected

  • If an outbound or inbound call is not successfully connected, the call details will not be displayed in the call activity section

  • The third column displays the Talk time duration of the entire call

    • If a call’s talk time is under 30 seconds, the talk time duration is displayed as 00:00:00

    • If the call’s talk time is greater than 30 seconds, the actual talk time is displayed

    • The talk time is displayed as a hyperlink only if the Ytel Phone recording permission is ON for the org

Call recording


  • Click on the talk time hyperlink will display a call recording popup

  • The popup plays the recording of the call from being dialed/placed to the end of the call

    • This is the reason the recording time may differ slightly from the call talk time in the call activity section