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Boolean Dual

The combination of the true or false result of the borrower and co-


borrower's conditions.





You can enter a specific date and time with a selected operator


. The result


is more accurate with the selected precision




You can set a date-based filter using only day/month. This enables a more efficient setup for identifying birthdays or anniversaries by day/month only. Example: show me all the people born in March (regardless of year).




You can input numbers with the selected operators.




You can select multiple values from


the dropdown menu.



The result is either true or false in conjunction with the selected application field.



You can input a specific date with a selected operator. Variable date



  • Today’s date with selected operators

  • Fixed date type

    • User can input specific date with selected operator




You can input a set of string with a selected comparison operator.

  • It supports up to any


    five conditions.

  • Negation will apply to the entire field filter.


  • Image Added


Include/Exclude Nulls


You can include or exclude the undefined value of an application.
