Session Timeout
A one-hour session timeout occurs when you have been inactive. This is determined when there have been no clicks on the page and no navigation to other pages over the course of one hour.
At the end of a session timeout, a popup window notifies you that the session is ending and you will be logged out in five minutes. If you have multiple tabs open, the popup is displayed in each of the tabs. If you are logged in to the same account in two different browsers, the popup will be displayed in all of the windows.
You may:
Select Keep Me Signed In to stay logged in
Select Log Me Out to end the session and be logged out of all open tabs
Take no action and be automatically logged out at the end of the countdown
The administrator can view which user is currently logged in within User Registration. See the User Registration article for more details.
Total Timeout
A total timeout means that if you close the browser and the system has no way to log you out via the session log out, you will be considered logged out after two hours.