User Registration

User Registration


The User Registration main grid lists the user profiles that have been created within an organization in Insellerate. This article covers the following information about the User Registration page.

Accessing the User Registration Page

  1. Select User Registration from the Admin dropdown menu.



  2. The User Registration/Manage and Edit Users page opens.


Viewing the User Registration Page

The User Registration Page contains several columns with information specific to it. These are described in the table below.






Indicates the user’s login status:

  • Green check mark indicates the user is logged in

  • Grey check mark indicates the user is logged out


  • The admin can turn the toggle On making the user eligible to receive new leads from the distribution.

  • The admin can turn the toggle Off leaving the user ineligible to receive new leads from the distribution.

  • The user can change the Leads toggle on or off from the main menu bar. The Leads toggle main menu bar and the User Registration reflect one another in the system and following refreshes.


  • The admin can turn the toggle On making the user eligible to receive new calls from the distribution.

  • The admin can turn the toggle Off leaving the user ineligible to receive new calls from the distribution.

  • The user can change the Calls toggle on or off from the main menu bar. The Calls toggle main menu bar and the User Registration reflect one another in the system and following refreshes.


  • Indicates the user is active or inactive

  • Clicking Show Inactive Users on the upper right displays both active and inactive users


  • Indicates which user is being locked

  • The admin can turn the toggle On to lock specific users.

    • The user account being logged in to must not be locked by the administrator or another user.

  • The admin can turn the toggle Off to unlock specific users.

  • The user account being logged in to is automatically locked after a specified number of wrong tries (configurable for each organization).

Add Button

Opens the User Registration/New User page to create a new user

Export Icon

Allows admins to export a complete list of all Insellerate users from the User Administration into an Excel file that is sent to My Reports for download. Filters applied before export will not apply. It includes all fields and inactive users.

Basic Information

The Basic Information section contains information about the user being added/modified.

Required Fields

The following fields are required when creating a new user in User Registration.





First Name

First name of the user being created

Last Name

Last name of the user being created

Confirm Password

  • Password for user login 

  • Defaulted to Password#1 which can easily be changed

  • See the Reset Password article for more information


Email of the user being created (will be the user’s login username)


Dropdown menu to select the role of the user being created

Time Zone

The time zone the user currently resides in


  • Specifies what branch the user belongs to

  • A user can only be assigned to one branch at a time

  • Click Add New Branch to create a new branch

Branch Permission

  • Specifies what branch the user is able to view

  • Can assign users to view all, multiple branches, or to a specific branch and the associated data

  • All permissions grants access to view all branches

Optional Fields

The following fields are optional when creating a new user in User Registration.





Middle Name

Middle name of the user


Mobile number of the user


Work number of the user

Ext and Ext Pass

Extension number and extension password for work number

Caller ID

This number is the Caller ID that the borrower sees when the user makes an outbound call. When the user’s Caller ID is blank on their User Profile page, the Caller ID displays the user’s Insellerate org phone number to the borrower instead. (This is the case when Local Dial Presence is not turned on.)


Fax number of the user


NMLS number of the user

Report To

Who the user will report to

Job Title

Job title of the user

Phone User ID

User identification within external phone system (used for integration purpose)


The user’s SMS or webphone number

Email Image Library Views

Allows users to choose between using company or personalized folders for images.

Peer View Permission

Gives users the ability to allow a peer within the same branch permissions to view and edit applications

SMS Number

  • SMS number tied with a specific user

  • SMS numbers must be purchased by Insellerate

Address 1/2

The user’s street address

City/State/Postal Code

The user’s city, state, and postal code

Personal Link

Provides a field to enter the user’s personal link to be used as a tag.

Apply Now Link

Link that pushes input from the user profile to the landing page, allowing users to apply for a loan directly.

Other Link

Link that pushes input from the user profile to the landing page,

Profile Picture

Displays the user’s profile picture

Upload Profile Picture

Allows the user’s profile to be uploaded via drag and drop

Profile Picture Link

Link that leads to the profile picture location (where the user’s picture is stored) within the User Profile


Distribution Filters

Distribution filters only apply to the distribution types Distribution Round Robin and Distribute All. The Distribution Filters section helps determine how leads will be distributed to the user. If the distribution filters are blank, it means that no filters are applied and all values of Loan Value, Loan Type, Loan Purpose Type, and State License are accepted. See the Distribution article for more details.





Lead Cap

  • A specified number will be the maximum number of leads this user will be able to have at a given time.

  • If the Lead Cap is left blank, there is no limit to the number of leads assigned/taken via distribution.

  • If the Lead Cap is specified as 0, the user will not receive any leads via distribution.

Open Lead Cap

Specified number will be the maximum number of open leads this user can take per day.

Unassigned Lead Cap

Specified number will be the maximum number of unassigned leads this user can take per day.

Minimum Loan

User will not receive leads with loan amounts less than specified amount.

Maximum Loan

User will not receive leads with loan amounts greater than specified amount.

Loan Types

  • The dropdown lists the loan types the user is able to take.

  • The loan type mentioned in the campaign data upload or lead post must match one of the specified Loan Type values within the distribution filters to be successfully distributed.

Loan Purpose Types

  • The dropdown lists the loan purpose types the user is able to take.

  • The loan purpose type mentioned in the campaign data upload or lead post must match one of the specified Loan Purpose Type values within the distribution filters to be successfully distributed.

State Licenses

  • The dropdown lists which state the user is able to take leads from if the distribution group has Required State License.

  • The property state or mailing state of the lead mentioned in the campaign data upload or lead post must match one of the state licenses within the distribution filters to be successfully distributed.

Third-Party Information

User credentials for any third-party integration that the user may have are displayed in this section.

Script Fields

Admins have eight additional fields for internal use. These fields can be customized to add information for users with custom names by contacting Insellerate’s Customer Support. Fields are available in the User Registration Export Files. They are not available for use in Custom Queues, Custom Reports, or My Pipeline.

More Options

These fields are part of inTouch Tags and Webhook Tags. This pertains to the primary agent assigned.

Domain/Subdomain Enablement - Email Alias

If your organization is using a different domain or subdomain to send emails, this feature allows you to enter the email alias for the alternate domain/subdomain implemented.

Contact Insellerate’s Customer Support to discuss the process with an Insellerate Professional Services team member.

The following updates are required to add an email alias:

  1. In the More Options section of User Registration, add a new field for each user called Email Alias.

  2. Add a check box next to this field called Send from Email Alias.

    • If Send from Email Alias is checked, the email alias will be the From for all emails sent by the user. The Reply To will remain the primary email address of the user.

    • If Send from Email Alias is not checked, the primary email address for the user will be both the From and Reply To.