The Preset Report tool allows administrators to create preset reports and share them with anyone in the company via My Pipeline. The administrator must have access to Custom Filters and Preset Reports in order to define the data set requirements. Access may be requested by submitting a support ticket.
The maximum number of preset reports an administator may create is 50.
The maximum number of records returned for each report is 5000.
Create a Preset Report
Prior to creating a preset report, at least one Custom Filter must be built.
Click the Admin tab.
Click Preset Reports from the Admin dropdown list.
The Preset Report (Preset Report List) screen opens.
Click Add.
The Preset Report (Preset Report List) data input screen opens.
Complete the following required fields:
Name – This will be the name of the new preset report.
Fields – This dropdown list contains all of the custom fields created in My Pipeline. The items in the list can only be changed through the Field Views in My Pipeline. See Field Views for more information.
Filters – The filter(s) created earlier via Custom Filters are listed here.
Complete the Permissions fields. The Permissions fields identify objects that meet the following:
At least one criterion within the Branch and Role fields
ORAt least one criterion within the User field
Click Add to add the new preset report.
A green popup notification confirms the successful add of the new preset report.
View Preset Reports
Click My Pipeline from the inSight dropdown options.
The My Pipeline screen opens.
Select a preset report from the Preset Report dropdown. Note that when a specific preset report is selected, all fields (excluding the Team/Agent field) are grayed out and cannot be changed.
Click Run Report to view the selected preset report.
The Run Report button can be clicked every 30 seconds.The preset report results appear to the right. Only those reports the user has permission to see will appear.