Login credentials are provided by your manager.
Enter your email address and password.
Click Login to log in to Insellerate.
Login Issues
Invalid Username or Password (Including Inactive Users)
If you an enter an invalid username or password, you will:
Receive this error message: “The email or password provided is invalid.”
Be redirected to the Login page
If you have failed to log in five times, you will be asked to verify your login.
Place a checkmark in the Recaptcha box to confirm “I’m not a robot.”
Follow the verification instructions.
Click Verify.
User Account is Locked
If your account is locked by the administrator or you have reached the maximum number of login attempts configured by your organization, you will receive this error message: “This account has been locked. Please contact your system administrator.”
The administrator can unlock your account at User Registration. See the User Registration article for more information.
Only administrators have access to the User Registration configuration and decide the number of login attempts according to the organization’s policy.
User IP Address is Blocked
If the IP address you are currently attempting to log in from is not authorized for your organization, you will receive this error message: “User from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx, we cannot log you in. Please contact your system administrator. Org IP Authentication can be set up by a Superadmin. See the /wiki/spaces/INSPT/pages/898334727 article for more information.