The Content Library is in BETA testing. The product interface and images are regularly updated to ensure that the latest enhancements are documented. Some screenshots may not be in sync due to ongoing changes.
This article describes how to navigate the Content Library. It covers the following information:
Content Library Menu Options
The Content Library menu includes several navigation options.
The My Pipeline icon is a shortcut icon to the My Pipeline screen.
The Task Management icon is a shortcut to the Task Management screen.
The Add Content button is a shortcut to the Create New Content panel.
Add Content options.
Regular Email: Use the editor to create beautiful emails using an email builder.
Plain Email: Use for text-based emails.
Document Template: HTML Editor
Document Upload - Static: Upload templates based on a PDF.
Filtering Content
The left side of the screen displays the Content Library Filter Content menu. This section of the article describes each field in the Filter Content menu.
Search Field
The Search field allows users to search for any of the content by the name of the content.
My Content Only Toggle
The My Content Only toggle is OFF by default. It shows all content available for use based on the user’s permissions.
Turning the My Content Only toggle ON filters the content to only content added by the user.
Show Only Archived Content Toggle
The Show Only Archived Content toggle is OFF by default. It shows all content available for use based on the user’s permissions.
Turning the Show Only Archived Content toggle ON filters the content to show only content that has been archived.
AgentConnect Button
Click the AgentConnect button for direct access to AgentConnect. This is only available to users with access to AgentConnect.
Content Type Field
Currently, there are three content types available. Others will be added soon.
Email checkbox: When selected, this content type filters the content to only email templates.
Flyer checkbox: When selected, this content type filters the content to only downloadable flyers.
Social Media checkbox: When selected, this content type filters the content to only downloadable social media images.
Tag(s) Field
Category tags help organize digital content by grouping similar items based on their subject matter or theme, making it easier for users to locate and browse relevant materials.
Click the Tag(s) drop-down.
Select the tag(s) associated with content to see available content within the library for that tag.
Setting the OR/AND toggle to OR requires the search to include any one of the selected tags (meaning the content will show if at least one tag is true for the content).
Setting the OR/AND toggle to AND requires the search to include all of the selected tags (meaning all tags must be true for the content to show). This is the default setting.
Click the check mark to include All content tags.
Click the X to clear any selected content tags.
Approval Status Field
The Approval Status field allows users to sort and view materials based on their status in the approval process.
The default Approval Status is Approved.
Click inside the Approval Status field to see the other available Approval Status options.
Click the X to clear and reset the filter to the Approved default.
Click the check mark to see all available approval statuses.
Creator Field
The Creator filter enables users to sort and display content based on the individuals or entities who originally authored or produced the materials. The default shows all content available based on the set permissions.
Click inside the Creator field to filter the content by the creator(s) of the content.
Click the check mark to select All.
View Permissions Field
The View Permissions field can be used based on permissions to see the content available at the Branch, Role, and User levels.
View Permissions - Branch
Click inside the Branch field to see branch options based on your permissions.
View Permissions - Users
Select User(s) to see available users based on your permissions.
Click the check mark to select All.
Content Library
The Content Library section displays a subset of available materials that match the selected filters, helping you to quickly find and access the relevant content from within the larger content collection.
Content Panels
Each Content Panel contains a content template. It allows you to quickly find where the content is in the approval process. Users can:
See applicable tags that can categorize content for recommended use
View the status of the content in the approval process tags
Preview and send content
Clone and modify (depending on your permissions)
Content Approval Status refers to the current status of the content review process. Content in the Pending Approval and Approved status will show in the Content Library.
Approved Content is approved and ready to be sent.
Approval Required shows content that has not been submitted for approval.
Pending Approval shows content that awaiting review from an approver.
Declined shows content that has been declined by the approver.
The Content Template Name is a unique identifier or label that helps users quickly identify and select a specific pre-designed format or structure for creating and organizing their digital content. The content creator selects the name of the content.
The Content Type describes the way the scheduled content will be sent.
Content Permissions
Click the three dots in the upper-right corner of the Content Panel.
The Permissions window opens.
Complete the fields in the Permissions window.
Available in inTouch toggle
Setting the toggle to Yes allows the content to be used in inTouch Engagements.
Setting the toggle to No will not allow the content to be used in inTouch Engagements.
Available in My Pipeline Task toggle
Setting the toggle to Yes allows the content to be used in the My Pipeline/Content Library task process.
Setting the toggle to No will not allow the content to be used in the My Pipeline/Content Library task process.
Visibility settings are permissions that can be set to allow certain branches, users with specific roles, or individual users to access to use the content.
Select the Branches that can see the content.
Select the User Roles that can see the content.
Select the User(s) that can see the content.
Click Update to permissions.
Tags categorize tags to display content groupings with similar tags.
The Content Preview section enables users to review content before sending it.
The Created by field displays the name of the person who created the content.
The Content Panel Action Tools allow you to View, Clone, and Send the content.
The View icon allows you to preview the content.
The Clone icon duplicates the content to copy and start editing from an existing piece of content.
The Create New Task icon initiates the process of sending the content to a target audience.