How To: Post a Lead to Insellerate via Zapier

How To: Post a Lead to Insellerate via Zapier

Before you begin setting up the post to Insellerate, you will need to set up your Trigger event. All Zaps start with a Trigger that watches for new or updated data. This will vary based on where you are receiving the data that you would like posted to Insellerate. Once you have created your Trigger event and received a sample lead, you can proceed with configuring your Action.


  1. Click the Choose App & Event dropdown.

  2. Select Webhooks by Zapier from the Choose App dropdown menu.

  3. Select Custom Request from the Choose Action Event dropdown menu.


  4. Click the Customize Custom Request dropdown.

  5. Enter Post in the Method field using the up/down arrows.

  6. The URL for the URL Event field will either be provided by Insellerate or can be accessed within the campaign of Insellerate.

  7. Enter False in the Data Pass-Through? field using the up/down arrows.


  8. In the Data field, copy and past the contents of this text document.

  9. Insert the Data within the JSON code (for example: "First_Name": "InsertDataBetweenQuotesHere",).


  10. Enter No in the Unflatten field using the up/down arrows.

  11. The Basic Auth Token is provided by Insellerate for the Basic Auth field.

  12. Enter Content-Type and application/json in the Headers fields.


  13. Click Continue.


  14. Click Test & Review. A message stating the “Lead post was successful” appears if the post is successful.
    Note: If the post was NOT successful, review the Customize Custom Request section for any discrepancies, then select Retest & Review.


  15. Enable the Zap to complete the process.

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