Classic - Creating Content Document Template (HTML)

Classic - Creating Content Document Template (HTML)

Content Library Admin Training Home


This article describes creating content using the New Content Document Template which allows users to use an HTML editor to create and embed HTML content. It covers the following topics:

Accessing the New Content Document Template

  1. Click the Add Content button.


  2. Select the Document Template option from the drop-down menu.


  3. The Template HTML Editor opens.

Navigating the New Content Document Template

Left Menu Bar: Content Settings

The fields in the left menu bar allow users to establish the content settings and viewing permissions. The content settings set the basic features of the document template.


  • Template Name
    Enter a template name to serve as the identifier and the name of the saved content. The template name can be easily accessed and reused whenever needed.


  • Description
    Add a description of the content.

  • Content Type
    Select the content type (flyer or social media image) from the drop-down menu.


  • Download Type
    Select the download type from the drop-down menu. This determines the file format for the download.


  • Tags
    Create new tag(s) or choose tag(s) from a list of existing tags. Tags help categorize similar templates. The Tag filter only shows tags that are actively in use and already associated to a template.
    Note: It is important to tag social media content with the site where it will be posted so that users can see this information in the content tile or filter tiles by their tags. If the content isn’t tagged this way, users must open each tile to see where it can be posted.

Left Menu Bar: View Permissions

The fields in the left menu bar allow users to establish the content settings and viewing permissions. The viewing permissions allow users to limit who views the content.

  • Branch
    Select the branches from the drop-down list.


  • Users
    Select any individual users that can see the content.


Top Menu

The fields in the top menu allow users to add data sources, enter HTML code, view HTML code, and download content.


  • Choose Tokens
    Select who to include data from by using the drop-down menu. This may be the lead, user, and partner.


  • HTML Button
    Click the HTML button to enter the HTML code.


  • Preview Button
    Click the Preview button to view the HTML code visually.


  • Download Icon
    Click the Download icon to download the content.


Creating Content Using HTML

Users who know HTML can generate the HTML directly in the editor.

  1. Write the HTML code.

  2. Copy the embeddable HTML code from your content creator.

  3. Paste the code into the HTML Editor.


  4. Choose from the tokens to use in your content.


  5. Click Preview to preview the content.


  6. Click Update to save the content. This will make the content visible in the Content Library and viewable based on branch or user permissions.

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