Classic - Status Activity

Classic - Status Activity

Is Negated

A checkmark in the Is Negated checkbox can be applied to any of the below filter types. Once the box is checked, the action items are sent to the applications that satisfy the opposite of the selected filter conditions.


Send Immediately

Selecting Send Immediately converts the task into an event-based task. The action item is sent on a per application basis immediately once the task is triggered.


After Lead Has Remained

The After Lead Has Remained action item is sent to the application if the application has remained in the specified status/activity for the specified time duration.


After Lead Has Remained Inactive

The After Lead Has Remained Inactive action is sent to the application if the application has remained inactive in the specified status/activity for the specified time duration.


After First Time Lead Has Been

The After First Time Lead Has Been action item is sent to applications where the first occurrence of specified status/activity has elapsed for X duration at the time of task execution.


After Last Time Lead Has Been

The After Last Time Lead Has Been action item is sent to applications where the last occurrence of specified status/activity has elapsed for X duration at the time of task execution.


To All Leads Currently

The To All Leads Currently action item is sent to all the leads currently in the specified status/activity when the task runs.



The Custom action item is sent to those leads and applications meeting the designated custom specifications. The user has the ability to define the data based on the status change date. The custom data filter type settings may be Fixed or Variable and further defined by selecting specific Operators and dates/times.


Fixed Data Filter Type Settings


Variable Data Filter Type Settings



See the Status Activity - Use Cases article for details about how it runs.




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