Classic - Content Library: Social Media

Classic - Content Library: Social Media


This training article is designed for end users (loan officers, account executives, and other sales team members) who are posting to social media platforms.

See the ​Content Library: Creating | Editing Content article for administrator features.

This article describes the options available in the Content Library for posting to social media platforms. It includes the following topics:

How to Access the Content Library

There are two options to access the Content Library.

Option 1: inTouch

  1. Click inTouch in the main menu bar.


  2. Select Content Library from the inTouch drop-down menu.


  3. The default view displays all the approved content you can use.


Option 2: Main Menu

  1. Click the Content Library icon from the right side of the main menu bar.


  2. The default view displays all the approved content you can use.

See the Content Library Navigation article for additional filter options.

How to View Content

  1. There are two options for previewing the content.

    • Click the image in the Content Panel.


    • Click the eye icon in the Content Panel.


  2. Both options open the Content Preview panel.

How to Create a Social Media Post

Users can post messages to social media.

  1. On the Content Library page, check the box next to Social Media under Content Type.


  2. Click the Post to Social Media icon for the content selected to be posted.


  3. The Post to Social Media screen opens.


  4. Complete the fields in the Post to Social Media screen.


    • Template Name: The template name is entered by the admin when the template is created. If you change the template name when creating a social media post, the new name appears as the Task Name in the Task Management screen in inTouch. The template name does not change. The template name is limited to 128 characters.

    • Description: Enter a description of the content to be posted (optional).

    • User Association: Select the user associated with the content from the drop-down menu in the User Association field. If tokens are being used in the content, it will pull from this user.

    • Connect Facebook: This allows you to link your Business Facebook page. You can connect through the Social Media Post settings OR through your User Profile. See the How to Connect to Facebook section below.

    • Deauthenticate Facebook: This allows you to break the connection between Insellerate and your Facebook account. Tasks scheduled prior to deauthentication will not post until you reauthenticate the account; their status will be listed as Expired in the Task Management screen in inTouch. This button is only visible when Facebook is already connected. You can deauthenticate through the Social Media Post settings OR through your User Profile. See the How to Deauthenticate Facebook section below.

    • Connect LinkedIn: This allows you to connect to your LinkedIn account. See the How to Connect to LinkedIn section below. You can connect through the Social Media Post settings OR through your User Profile.

    • Deauthenticate LinkedIn: This allows you to break the connection between Insellerate and your LinkedIn account. This button is only visible when LinkedIn is already connected. You can deauthenticate through the Social Media Post settings OR through your User Profile. See the How to Deauthenticate LinkedIn section below.

    • Social Media Message: This is the message that will be displayed as the post text. Content creators may choose whether the content message is editable.

    • Shared Link: Enter a URL in this field. This link will appear at the end of the social media post. It can be used to direct users to a website, their Apply Now link, article, blog post, etc.

    • Post Options: Several options are available for when to post to social media. See the How to Post a Message section below.

How to Post a Social Media Message

You can schedule a message to be posted immediately or at a specified future time and date.

  • Post Now immediately posts to the user’s linked social media account.

    • Click Post Now to post the message immediately.


  • Schedule allows users to pick a future date and time to schedule a post.

    • Enter the date and time for the message to be posted.

    • Click Schedule.


  • Removal Date allows users to specify a removal date for social media posts. This function ensures that posts are automatically taken down from the platform on the designated date, providing control and flexibility over the content's lifespan.

    • Enter the date the message is to be removed from social media.

    • Click Schedule.


  • Expiration Date enables admins to schedule an expiration date for posts on social media. This field is greyed out for other users. If a user enters a Removal Date that precedes an Expiration Date, the post will be removed on the Removal Date. This function ensures that content stays relevant and up-to-date, saving users the effort of manually removing outdated posts.

How to Connect to Facebook

Users can connect to Facebook through the Post to Social Media screen or through their User Profile.

From the Post to Social Media Screen

  1. Click Connect Facebook.


  2. Click Continue as your <your name> to sign in when prompted.


  3. Select the Business Page where you want the post to be published.

  4. Click Next.


  5. Select the actions that may be taken.

  6. Click Done.


  7. The Deauthenticate button appears next to Facebook Pages in the Settings section of the Post to Social Media screen.


From the User Profile

  1. Click Connect Facebook.


  2. Follow Steps 2-7 in the From the “Post to Social Media” Screen section above.

How to Deauthenticate Facebook

Users can deauthenticate their Facebook connection through the Post to Social Media screen or through their User Profile.

From the Post to Social Media Screen

  1. Click Deauthenticate next to Facebook Pages.

  2. Click Yes when the Confirm Deauthentication popup window opens.


  3. A toaster appears in the top, right corner of the screen to confirm the deauthentication.


  4. The Connect Facebook button reappears in the Settings section of the Post to Social Media screen.

From the User Profile

  1. Click Deauthenticate in the Facebook Integration section under Third-Party Integrations.


  2. Click Yes in the Confirm Deauthentication popup window.


  3. The Connect Facebook button replaces the Deauthenticate button in the Facebook Integration section under Third-Party Integrations.

How to Connect to Instagram to the Content Library


  1. Your Facebook account must be active within Insellerate. See the Content Library: Social Media l How to Connect to Facebook article for details.

  2. Your marketing admin is responsible for creating Instagram content.

  3. Your marketing admin gives you permission to use that content.

  4. Your Instagram page will be visible within the Insellerate Instagram content you have permission for.

  1. Connect your Instagram account to your Facebook Business page. See the How to Connect Instagram and Facebook Accounts article for details.

  2. Click the Post to Social Media icon for the selected content.


  3. If you see your Instagram account listed, you are connected.

How to Connect to LinkedIn

Users can connect to LinkedIn through the Post to Social Media screen or through their User Profile.

From the Post to Social Media Screen

  1. Click Connect LinkedIn.


  2. Sign in to your LinkedIn account.


  3. Click Allow when prompted to permit publishing a post.


  4. The Deauthenticate button appears next to Post to LinkedIn in the Settings section of the Post to Social Media screen.


From the User Profile

  1. Click Connect LinkedIn.


  2. Click Allow when prompted.


  3. A Deauthenticate button appears under LinkedIn Integration section under Third-Party Integrations in the User Profile.


  4. Click Update.


  5. The Deauthenticate button appears next to Post to LinkedIn in the Settings section of the Post to Social Media screen.

How to Deauthenticate LinkedIn

Users can deauthenticate their LinkedIn connection through the Post to Social Media screen or through their User Profile.

From the Post to Social Media Screen

  1. Click the Deauthenticate button next to Post to LinkedIn in the Settings section.


  2. Click Yes in the Confirm Deauthentication popup window.


  3. A toaster appears in the top, right corner confirming the deauthentication is successful.


  4. The Connect LinkedIn button reappears in the Settings section of the Post to Social Media screen.



From the User Profile

  1. Click the Deauthenticate button next to LinkedIn Integration in the Third-Party Integrations section of the User Profile.


  2. The Connect LinkedIn button replaces the Deauthenticate button in the LinkedIn Integration section under Third-Party Integrations.


  3. Click Update.


  4. A toaster appears in the top, right corner confirming the deauthentication is successful.


  5. The Connect LinkedIn button reappears in the Settings section of the Post to Social Media screen.

More About the Content Library

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