Classic - Release Notes 166 - 4/10/24
Review All Release Notes to see all system enhancements implemented.
Custom Queues: empty queues will be hidden by default
When inFlow 2.0 first launches for each user, it will automatically hide any custom queues that have no records to view. This will clean up the left panel and help you focus on queues that require action. If you want to see all the queues, you will be able to select an All checkbox.
This only applies to inFlow 2.0. No changes have been made to the Classic view.
Statuses in workflow will only show first 1,000 records
To reduce the amount of data saved to your browser, statuses in the Workflow section will only load the first 1,000 records. This will improve overall performance and reduce the load on your computer processing.
You can always filter the data and Insellerate will go back to all records and return the first 1,000 records that meet the filter criteria. After you add a filter, a new search icon will appear in the list header that enables you to Load with Filters.
TPCA Calling Guidelines: updated to include state level and holiday hours
Over the past year, many states have implemented state-level TCPA calling hours that are more stringent than the national guidelines. Insellerate has updated system logic to following all national- and state-level guidelines. This will included updated calling hours for Fridays, weekends (Saturday and Sunday may vary), and all holidays.