Release Notes 131-12/13/22

Release Notes 131-12/13/22

New Features/Enhancements


inTouch: System limits added for the maximum number of emails and RVMs, SMS sent daily

What does it mean to Marketing Managers, Sales Managers, and Admins?

We want to ensure you are getting the most from your Engagements. Phone carriers and email providers are watching for SPAM messages. We are setting limits at the organization level as a layer of protection. These limits are in place to protect your number and domain reputation against accidental sends to large data sets.

If you plan to dramatically increase your use of emails, RVM, or SMS, discuss the best implementation path with your Customer Success Manager. An example might include warm-up periods for your email ramp-ups.

New daily limitations in inTouch:

  • Email: 100,000

  • SMS: 10,000

  • RVM: 10,000

inLead: ICR numbers not allowed in user profiles

What does it mean to Marketing Managers, Sales Managers, and Admins?

Insellerate does not prohibit users from using an ICR number as a work number in a user profile. A user profile containing an ICR number creates a loop between the user profile and inbound call campaigns. ICR numbers should never be used as user profile phone numbers. Insellerate will now display an error and will not allow ICR numbers to be added to the user profile.

User Profile

inSight: Webhooks Report

What does it mean to Marketing Managers, Sales Managers, and Admins?

A new permissions-based report was added for Webhooks. It will display the most recent 100 webhook events and results. If you want access to this report, you must request access via support.

inSight: My Reports optimized

What does it mean to Marketing Managers, Sales Managers, and Admins?

My Reports processing was redesigned to optimize performance, notification, and speed of delivery of reports in the queue and running.



inTouch: Partner Dropdown Field results

Issue: The partner fields in the filter setup were not displaying all results.

Status: Resolved


inTouch: AgentConnect Static Flyer Search

Issue: Search results were not pulling up all flyers within a search result.

Status: Resolved


inTouch: Negated Filter

Issue: The Negated Filter did not include the Null and Exclude Null.

Status: Resolved


Sales Manager Report

Issue: Calls not tied to an application are not displaying on the SMR report.

Status: Resolved


Integrations: Mortgage Coach Fields

Issue: Field lengths need to increase to display full results.

Status: Resolved


External Contact API - Mobile Phone Updates

Issue: The external API to update the mobile phone was not updating even though the response showed success.

Status: Resolved




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