Release Notes 143- 5/17/23
New Features/Enhancements
Internal Call Routing Enhancement
What does this mean to Loan Officers and Marketing Managers?
The tracing of attempted users during the Internal Call Routing process has been enhanced to trace better the users that were attempted during an inbound call.
Global Session Timeout
What does this mean to Organizations and Admins?
Organizations will have the ability to set system-level timeouts. Organizations will have the option to set the global system timer between 10 minutes and 6 hours. Users will still receive time-out notifications for upcoming timeouts.
inTouch Content Library: Enhancements
What does this mean to Loan Officers and Marketing Managers?
A new button was added to Step 1 of the Task Creation process. A Send a Test Email was added to enable users to send a test email to see how the content is displayed before sending it out to the selected audience.
An Edit Content option is available for the Content Library. Users can edit the email template in Step 1 of the Task process by clicking the ‘pencil’ icon. Depending on the user’s permissions, the content may or may not need additional approvals. The history of the template versions is stored in an Insellerate.
Templates are permission-based and can be set to editable or non-editbale.
inSight - SMR V2 Value Display Inconsistency
Issue: Some values showed negative values in the Sales Manager Report.
Status: Resolved
inSight: Marketing Report
Issue: The Marketing Report was not displaying accurate prospect numbers.
Status: Resolved
inSight: User Status Report
Issue: The User Report would not run at the branch or user level.
Status: Resolved
Main Dashboard Funded
Issue: Funded numbers are not displayed in the Main Dashboard's Funded section.
Status: Resolved
Open Lead Takes
Issue: When a user takes the lead, the Assigned and Open Take counters are not updating.
Status: Resolved
Advanced Webphone
WebPhone hiding screen functionality
Issue: When the Advanced WebPhone opens, it hides the needed screen functions.
Status: Resolved
inTouch - Content Library
Content Library Pilot
Pending Approval Email
Issue: The Content Library pending approval email was not going to all approvers.
Status: Resolved
Content Library: Step 2 Audience Selection
Issue: The Company Name filter did not allow for multi-select.
Status: Resolved
Content Library: Task Send Default Time
Issue: The default time to send email is 12 AM has been updated to 11 AM.
Status: Resolved