How to Create a Campaign (Partner)

How to Create a Campaign (Partner)


This article describes partner campaigns. When you add a new partner to Insellerate, they must be associated with a campaign at that time. The campaign you select to associate the new partner with will depend on how you group your partners.

Campaigns for partners can help you group partners for reporting and tracking performance. Some of the examples of ways partners could be grouped into campaigns include:

  • Partner Campaign: If you want to group your realtors, add them to a single campaign.

  • Type of Partner: Create partner campaigns into groups by profession such as real estate agents, attorneys, contractors, builders, and others.

  • Corporate Organization: Group individual partners into their corporate entities. If you were working with real estate agents, you could create campaigns with corporate entity groupings.

How to Create a Partner Campaign

  1. Select Campaign from the inLead dropdown menu.


  2. Click Add when the Campaign List page opens.


  3. The new Campaign page opens. It is comprised of multiple sections:

    • Basic Information

    • Distribution

    • Cost

    • Inbound Call Routing

    • Data Upload (available for specific marketing channels only)



  4. In the Basic Information fields, complete the following information.


    1. Marketing Channel: Select the appropriate marketing channel from the dropdown list. This is the marketing channel that the partner originated from. The marketing channel determines how leads are distributed in the system via the campaign as well as if distribution via lead post/campaign data upload is allowed.

    2. Workflow Type: Select Partner as the Workflow Type. Once a campaign is created and saved, the Workflow Type for the campaign cannot be changed.

    3. Name: Enter a campaign name. The maximum character length allowed for the name field is 48. (Use campaign names that make it easy for loan officers to associate partners with them.)

    4. Available on inFlow: Set to No. This option applies to the campaign setup for the Borrower customer type.

    5. Email Notifications: These are optional but typically set to Off since users will be entering their partners.

    6. Allow Open Leads toggle: Set to Off.

    7. Internal Transfer Campaign toggle: Set to Off.

    8. Property Profile Auto Sync toggle: Set to Off.

    9. SMS Enabled toggle: This is optional but is typically set to On if you want loan officers to be able to text Partners.

    10. SMS Consent Required toggle: This is optional but is typically set to On and requires a partner to provide initial consent for texts.

    11. Start Date: This field allows users to set dates that indicate the start of a campaign.

    12. End Date: This field allows users to set dates that indicate the end of a campaign.

    13. Lead Vendor: Select the marketing source for the partner relationship. (Click the + icon to add a new lead vendor source if necessary.)

    14. Import Template: Set to Insellerate.

    15. Description: This can be any description containing characters, numbers, and special characters that can be given to the campaign. The maximum character length for a description is 600.

    16. Inbound Phones: This is the inbound number to which borrowers can call in and be connected to their assigned agent. Up to twenty-four inbound phone numbers can be added per campaign.

    17. Lead Provider Campaign ID: This identifier differentiates between various lead providers for campaigns within an organization.

    18. Branch Association: These permissions control what leads are available for viewing to the agents. For an agent to be able to view a lead within the application, the campaign branch permissions must match the user’s branch permissions.

    19. More Options: These fields open when the More Options fields are opened. They enable the user to add custom data specific to the campaign that can be:

      • Included in webhooks that can be posted to third-party systems

      • Included in the inFlow application for agents to view

      • Included in the Marketing Report



  5. In the Cost fields, complete the following:


    • Cost Per Lead: This field specifies the cost per lead associated with the campaign.

    • Leads Purchased: This specifies how many leads are purchased for the campaign.

    • Total Cost: This is equivalent to Cost per Lead x Leads Purchased.

      Note: Some fields may be greyed (disabled) out depending on which marketing channel is selected. The Fields article provides more details about the fields in the Cost section.

  6. In the Distribution fields, complete the following:


    1. Distribution Type: This determines how leads are dispersed to agents in a distribution group.

    2. Distribution Group: These agents are grouped together by defined characteristics who can receive leads via the campaign.

    3. Initial Status: Select the initial status for the newly added partner from the dropdown list. (It will automatically fill in the first item in the dropdown list when Partner is selected in the Workflow Type.)

    4. Initial Activity: Select the initial activity for the newly added partner from the dropdown list.

    5. Default Agent: Leads that do not have eligible or available agents to receive them are sent directly to the Default Agent if one has been assigned. This field is only available for Distribute Agent-Round Robin, Distribute-Ring All, and Distribute Agent-Direct distribution types. If a Default Agent has not been assigned, the leads are sent to Lead Exception.

      Information about Distribution Types is found in the Distribution article. Information about Distribution Groups is found in the Distribution Groups article.

  7. In the Data Upload field, upload any CSV file related to the campaign. See the How To: Upload a CSV File to Insellerate article for details.


  8. If the campaign will include inbound call routing:

    1. Toggle the Inbound Call Routing button from Off to On to open the Inbound Call Routing section.

    2. Follow the instructions found in the How It Works: Inbound Call Routing article.

    3. If the org has a phone integration set up with Insellerate where call data is being passed, any inbound call data to a phone number listed here will add a marketing call count to the Sales Manager Report.

    4. Duplicate phone numbers within the same or a different campaign are not allowed. When users try to enter a duplicate inbound number that matches an inbound number of another campaign within the same organization, a popup message is displayed.

      • Selecting Yes removes the number from the other campaign and adds it to the current campaign.

      • Selecting No does not allow the user to add the number to the current campaign.


  9. Click Add to complete creating the campaign.

  10. Once a campaign has been created, the Post Url field is automatically added. It contains the URL to which vendors will send data. The Post Url field accepts JSON and XML posts for its specified import template.


    Marketing administrators can post all leads to a single Post Url and define which campaign they should be redirected to in the lead post. This feature is helpful when receiving purchase, refinance, and other lead types via the same form or a third-party system that is unable to post to multiple campaigns. See the Lead Distribution Campaign Redirect article for details.


    Import Template: Insellerate
    See the How to: Post a Lead to Insellerate article for tips.

    Import Template: Lending Tree
    If the selected Import Template is Lending Tree, when the campaign is created, the original Post Url functions similarly to the redirect and includes Lending Tree within the URL.


    Import Template: Other
    Users should request additional posting details from Insellerate's Customer Support.

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