State Licenses
State licenses can be used to determine the distribution of leads. If Requires State Licenses is checked within a distribution group, then leads in specific states will be distributed only to agents who have the state(s) licensed under their User Registration.
This article discusses the following topics:
How to View State License(s)
Select User Registration from the Admin dropdown menu.
The User Registration/Manage and Edit Users page opens.
Click the edit (pencil) icon to view a user’s registration. In this example, we are viewing Kim Jacob’s lead.
The User Registration page for the lead opens.
Open the Distribution Filters section. The State Licenses section will show all of the states that the agent is licensed in.
State Licensing Verification
When verification for state licensing applies, the system first looks to the property state on the lead and then to the available area code for a phone number. If the system finds a matching application or prospect where the property state is blank but where a phone number is present, the system will use the caller’s area code to drive the distribution of the lead. If both home and mobile numbers are available, the logic will prioritize the home number.
As an Inbound Call Routing user, when the system finds a matching application or prospect by phone number and when the PropertyState is null, the system should use the caller’s area code to derive the state for Distribution state license verification.
Inbound call with no lead data: Routing is based on the caller’s area code.
Inbound call with lead data and property state: Routing is based on the property state if the lead exists in the system. Match based on the callerID of the borrower to existing applications.
Inbound call with lead data, but property state is blank: Routing is based on the area code of the callerID of the inbound call.
Inbound call with lead data, but no property state, and callerID is blocked: The call is routed to everyone. State licensing is not applied to the call.
A Data Lead Post (non-Inbound Call Routing) where the property state is blank but a phone number exists. We will use area code to determine the state. The property state field will be updated in the lead and the logic for the order will be home then mobile if there are two phone numbers.
Lead post - lead with property state: Routing is based on the property state.
Lead post - lead with no property state: Check the phone number area code (home to mobile).
Lead post - lead with no property state or phone numbers: The lead is routed to Unassigned Leads.