Classic - Headings

Classic - Headings


A heading is a text element in an email or document that introduces and organizes content. Headings are typically larger and bolder than the surrounding text and can create a hierarchy of information that helps readers navigate and understand the content.

This article describes the following options available to set the appearance of headings:


The Font section allows users to select a font type for headings from the drop-down menu.

Line Spacing

The line spacing setting allows users to adjust the vertical spacing between lines of text in an email message.

Heading Settings

Users can adjust three levels of headings for use in their emails.

  • Heading font size drop-down


  • Bold | Italic settings

    • Click the B to set the heading to bold.


    • Click the I to set the heading to italics.


  • Font color: The default is black. Entering a new hex code changes the color.

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