Mobile Formatting

Mobile Formatting


The settings section for mobile viewing experience in an email editor includes customization options for font size, heading size, button size, and email content margins, allowing users to optimize their email design for smaller screens and create a seamless and user-friendly mobile experience for their recipients.

This article describes the options available for settings in the mobile view:

The following settings only work in the mobile version of the email template for email clients who support media queries.

Size of Header Text

Select a size from the Size of Header Text drop-down options to set the font size for mobile header text.


Size of the Content Text

Select a size from the Size of the Content Text drop-down options to set the font size for mobile content text.


Size of the Footer Text

Select a size from the Size of Footer Text drop-down options to set the font size for mobile footer text.


Size of Info Area Text

Select a size from the Size of Info Area Text drop-down options to set the font size for mobile info area text.


<<Menu>> Items Font Size

Select a size from the <<Menu>> Items Font Size drop-down options to set the font size for mobile menu items text.



A heading is a text element in an email or document that introduces and organizes content. Headings are typically larger and bolder than the surrounding text and can create a hierarchy of information that helps readers navigate and understand the content. Users can adjust three levels of headings.

  • Heading H1


    • Font Size


    • Text Alignment


  • Heading H2


    • Font Size


    • Text Alignment


  • Heading H3


    • Font Size


    • Text Alignment

Button Text Size

Select a size from the Button Text Size drop-down options to set the button text size for the mobile view.


Full-Width Buttons Toggle

This toggle is disabled to ensure your mobile buttons are optimized.


Content Margin

More toggle: This toggle allows users to adjust the email content margins either independently or separately.

  • OFF: The More toggle default is set to Off. Users can adjust all of the email content margins uniformly.


  • ON: Turning the More toggle default to On allows users to adjust each of the email content margins independently.

More About the Content Library