Classic - Release v108 - 12/10/2021

Classic - Release v108 - 12/10/2021

New Features/Enhancements


Preset Reports

Admins can now create preset reports and share them with anyone in the company via MyPipeline. Setup is simple:

  1. Admin with access to Custom Filters and Preset Reports can define the data set requirements. Submit a support ticket to request access.

  2. Admin can define the fields they want in the report (via My Pipeline field views).

  3. Admin can create a preset report and set permissions on who can view the report.

  4. Users can then select and run the Preset Report in My Pipeline.


inTouch: Improved Email Testing Capabilities

The Test Email feature improves users' ability to test how emails will appear when received by a variety of end users. The test email may be populated with data from either a real lead or a test lead. The test email can be sent to a maximum of ten recipients, giving the user the means to see how the data will appear in the inboxing formats of various email editors via a single test.

View Training Documentation



Global Application Search

Users can now search by Employer Name via the Global Application Search box.

Credit Pull: Requires User to Save Data Before Pulling Credit

If a user attempts to run credit from inside of Insellerate, but the application data has not been saved, the user will receive a notification letting them know to save prior to pulling credit.

Open Leads: Disable Lead from Open if User Click to Calls without Taking

If a user calls an Open Lead without taking the lead (just clicks the phone number from within the Open Lead queue), that lead will be removed from open leads as if it had been taken. The open lead timers will reset for the lead and it will reappear in Open Leads per the defined logic.

This was added because multiple users were calling Open Leads on the same day without taking them.

Email Report: Added Two New Fields in Detail Popup

Users can now see Lead Vendor Name and Campaign in the Email Report detail popup.

Campaign Summary Page: More Campaign Details Added

More campaign-level details have been added so users can quickly filter and identify campaigns by different criteria. Below is a summary of the fields now available:



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