Classic - Release v4.100 - 7/30/2021

Classic - Release v4.100 - 7/30/2021

Feature Improvements

Unassigned Leads Cap

For each user, you can now set a daily cap for how many leads they can take from the Unassigned queue. Administrators can define this value in User Registration.

Inbound Call Routing

You can now set an hourly and daily lead cap for inbound calls by campaign.

Hourly Lead Cap

This defines how many inbound calls for this campaign a user can take each hour. Resets hourly.

Daily Lead Cap

This defines how many inbound calls for this campaign a user can take in a day. Resets daily.

Minimum Lead Cap Call Duration

This defines how long a call must be to be defined as a call against the user’s lead cap. This is the total call time including when the users are being called. Sixty (60) seconds is recommended. If left blank, all calls will count toward the lead cap of the user who answers.

Direct Mail Search

If an Inbound Call Routing campaign is defined as Direct Mail, the Prospect Search Result window opens when the agent wins the inbound call. When the Direct Mail toggle is turned On, the following occurs:

  • When the Prospect Search Result window opens, the user can then search by REFID to find the prospect and “Take” the lead. The phone number of the caller is automatically added to the newly created lead.

  • If no prospect is found, the user can select Create New Lead and a lead will be created with the borrower’s phone number and assigned to the user.

Open Leads

Two new fields have been added:

  • Credit score

  • Soft credit pull score


These fields are hidden by default. They are added via the Add columns section:


Meridian Link Credit Pull

This is integrated with Meridian Link credit services. If you use Meridian link credit services and want to pull credit from inside Insellerate, please contact support.

MyPipeline - Last Note

You can now view the last note added to a lead in the MyPipeline report.


  • The left panel of User Registration no longer includes user information.

  • Email Editor: Removed the default padding on images so images fit the full design box.

  • inFlow Lead History no longer will go blank when changing applications in certain use cases.



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