Classic - Release Notes 140- 4/11/23
New Features/Enhancements
inTouch Available Tokens
What does this mean to Admins and Marketing Managers?
inTouch Sender Profile Picture available
A new token is available for use in content, making the Sender Profile Picture available for use in content.Organization Level Tokens
Organizations can create and update tokens for use in inTouch campaigns. Create a Service Desk to get permission to use these fields. Available fields will be text and image fields.
AgentConnect Enhancements
Static flyers can be co-branded with your real estate agent information.
Select the static flyer.
Choose a realtor from the Select a Realtor drop-down list.
Select Email to Agent.
Selecting this option will email the co-branded flyer directly to the email of the selected realtor.
Manual Listings
Listing Search no longer starts as you start to type in the realtor name.
You must click Enter or the Search icon to start the realtor search.
Confirmation when creating a Prospect
Issue: An error message was displaying after a prospect was added.
Status: Resolved
Mobile Application Bugs
Lead History Display
Issue: The lead history was displaying no results.
Status: Resolved
Text Messaging
Issue: User experiences overlap and spacing issues with texts.
Status: Resolved
Text Messaging User not Found
Issue: When taking the lead from unassigned links, not able to text the client.
Status: Resolved
Text Consent
Issue: SMS consent message not displaying.
Status: Resolved
Inconsistency Between Android and IOS
Issue: Inconsistent color with the text color. Inconsistent experience with slider in the recorder.
Status: Resolved
Invalid Dates Displaying
Issue: Dates displaying as invalid.
Status: Resolved
No Sale | DNC Action Tool Closing App
Issue: When clicking on the No Sale | DNC action tool, the mobile app closes.
Status: Resolved
Taking Leads from Custom Queue
Issue: An error was displayed when trying to take the lead from a custom queue.
Status: Resolved
Lead and Calls Settings
Issue: Updates to the lead call settings are not saving.
Status: Resolved