Classic - Release Notes 140- 4/11/23

Classic - Release Notes 140- 4/11/23

New Features/Enhancements


inTouch Available Tokens

What does this mean to Admins and Marketing Managers?

  • inTouch Sender Profile Picture available
    A new token is available for use in content, making the Sender Profile Picture available for use in content.


  • Organization Level Tokens
    Organizations can create and update tokens for use in inTouch campaigns. Create a Service Desk to get permission to use these fields. Available fields will be text and image fields.


AgentConnect Enhancements

Static flyers can be co-branded with your real estate agent information.

  1. Select the static flyer.

  2. Choose a realtor from the Select a Realtor drop-down list.


  3. Select Email to Agent.

    • Selecting this option will email the co-branded flyer directly to the email of the selected realtor.

Manual Listings

  • Listing Search no longer starts as you start to type in the realtor name.

  • You must click Enter or the Search icon to start the realtor search.


Confirmation when creating a Prospect

Issue: An error message was displaying after a prospect was added.

Status: Resolved

Mobile Application Bugs

Lead History Display

Issue: The lead history was displaying no results.

Status: Resolved

Text Messaging

Issue: User experiences overlap and spacing issues with texts.

Status: Resolved

Text Messaging User not Found

Issue: When taking the lead from unassigned links, not able to text the client.

Status: Resolved

Text Consent

Issue: SMS consent message not displaying.

Status: Resolved

Inconsistency Between Android and IOS

Issue: Inconsistent color with the text color. Inconsistent experience with slider in the recorder.

Status: Resolved

Invalid Dates Displaying

Issue: Dates displaying as invalid.

Status: Resolved

No Sale | DNC Action Tool Closing App

Issue: When clicking on the No Sale | DNC action tool, the mobile app closes.

Status: Resolved

Taking Leads from Custom Queue

Issue: An error was displayed when trying to take the lead from a custom queue.

Status: Resolved

Lead and Calls Settings

Issue: Updates to the lead call settings are not saving.

Status: Resolved


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