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Creating Content Using Document Upload - Static

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Content Library Admin Training Home


This article describes creating content using the New Content Document Template. It covers the following topics:

How to Access the Document Upload - Static for the Content Library

  1. Click the Add Content button.

  2. Select Document Upload-Static from the drop-down menu.

  3. The Content Upload - Content Settings page opens.

How to Upload Content to the Content Library

  1. Enter the Template Name to reference your content.

  2. Enter a Description to describe the content.

  3. Select the Content Type:

    • Flyer - ability to upload a static flyer users can download

    • Social Media - upload static content (images or videos) users can post to Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram

  4. Create new tag(s) or choose from a list of existing tag(s) to help categorize similar templates.

  5. Set the Permissions.

    • Branch: Select the Branch(es) that should see the content.

    • Role: Select any Role(s).

    • Users: Select any User(s).

  6. Content Type = Flyer: User can upload the Document/Image (PDF, PNG, JPG, or Supported). The maximum size is 8MB.

  7. Click Update to add the content.

  8. Content Type = Social Media

    1. Select which Social Sites this template will apply to:

      1. Facebook and LinkedIn can only upload images

      2. Instagram can upload images or add a Video URL

    2. User can then select the “Media Type” for the template

    3. Image: upload image

    4. Video URL:

      1. Instagram only - Add a URL that links directly to a .MOV or .MP4 file - currently you must host this video on a file server.

        1. Instagram Video requirements

          1. MOV or MP4 (MPEG-4)

          2. Picture Size:

            1. Maximum columns (horizontal pixels): 1920

            2. Minimum aspect ratio: 4/5

            3. Maximum aspect ratio: 16/9

          3. Duration: 60 seconds maximum and 3 seconds minimum

          4. File Size: 100MB

          5. Frame Rate: 23-60 FPS

      2. Post Caption: this is the caption that will show with the Instagram Post.

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