General Settings

General Settings


The General Settings section allows you to adjust the default look of an email. This article describes the following options available in this section.

Accessing General Settings

Select options from the General Settings drop-down menu.

Message Width

The default email width is 600px. This is currently the most common size.

Default Padding

Padding around an email refers to the space between the email content and the email's border or the container in which the email is placed. It's the area between the content and the edge of the email, which can be filled with a background color or left empty.

Adding padding around an email creates a visually appealing and balanced design by creating enough white space around the email content.

General Background color

The General Background Color refers to the color applied to the background of an email message. It's the color that fills the entire area behind the email content.


The Font drop-down allows the user to select a default font for the email text.

Line Spacing

The line spacing setting allows users to adjust the vertical spacing between lines of text in an email message.

Paragraph Bottom Space

(This toggle has been disabled.)

Underline Links Toggle

  • When the Underlined Links toggle is ON, hyperlinks in an electronic document, such as an email or web page, are visually indicated by a line underneath the text to signify that it is clickable and will lead to another location or resource.

  • When the Underlined Links toggle is OFF, hyperlinks in an electronic document, such as an email or web page, will not be visually indicated by a line underneath the text.

Responsive Design Toggle

The Responsive Design toggle is a web design and development approach that allows websites and applications to adapt and optimize their layout and functionality based on the device and screen size used to view them. We recommend leaving this toggle ON to ensure visibility on mobile devices and tablets.

RTL Text Direction

RTL toggle in a content editor is a feature that allows users to switch the text direction from left-to-right to right-to-left and vice versa, facilitating the editing and formatting of content written in RTL languages.

The default of this toggle is Off setting to LTR languages (English, Spanish)

Setting the toggle to ON will allow for RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew)

Background Image Toggle

The email background image allows users to apply an image as the background of an email message. It's the image that will fill the entire area behind the email content.

  • The default Background Image toggle is OFF.


  • Turning the Background Image toggle to ON opens the options to add a background image.
    The options include the following:

    • Upload an image.


    • Add a link to an image.


      • Tiles: The option to tile an image as a background allows you to repeat the image seamlessly across the element, creating a pattern-like effect.


      • Accept the Link by selecting the check mark.


      • Image Storage Options

        • Download to the gallery will store the image in the gallery for use in other communications.

        • Leave it as an external link. It will reference the link when used.


    • Access stock images using the search feature to find images through keyword searches.


    • Change selected images.


    • Edit a selected image.


    • Set the Repeat Image toggle.

      • Turning the Repeat Image toggle ON centers one image and replicates additional images as necessary on both sides of the image based on screen size.


      • Turning the Repeat Image toggle OFF makes the image the background and adds the background color for any space remaining on both sides of the image based on the screen size.


      • The option to Center Image as a background will position the image at the element's center, ensuring it is visually centered and balanced.


      • Adjusting the Position X and Y options allows users to determine the background image's exact horizontal and vertical placement.

Some email clients (Windows 10 Mail, Android 4.4, Gmail app on iOS, and Android with non-Gmail account) won't support a background image. As a backup, we recommend selecting a background color similar to the one in the image.

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