Task Management: Task Approval Process
This article describes the Content Library’s Task Management system. It Includes:
- 1 Task Approver Types
- 2 Task Approval Process
- 3 Decision Options
- 3.1 View Filter Summary
- 3.2 View
- 3.3 Edit
- 3.4 Decline
- 3.5 Approve
Task Approver Types
When a user creates a task, there are two ways for getting it approved.
Task Self-Approver
If the task creator has certain permissions, they can be a Task Self-Approver and approve their own tasks. When reaching Step 5: Review and Submit in the 5-Step Task Approval Process, the task creator will see the Send button which allows them to send the task. If no edits are made to the content, the task is approved automatically. If any edits are made to the content, the task must be approved by a Task Approver.Task Approver
If the task creator does not have the permissions to be a Task Self-Approver, they must send the task to a Task Approver. A Task Approver can approve tasks for others. When reaching Step 5: Review and Submit in the 5-Step Task Approval Process, the task creator will see the Submit for Approval button which allows them to send the task for a Task Approver to approve. Organizations may set up a one-step or two-step approval process in the task management system.
Task Approval permissions are determined at the organization level. Consult with your system administrator if you have questions about approvals.
Task Approval Process
Tasks must go through the task approval process if they are created by:
A user who is not a Task Self-Approver
A Task Self-Approver who makes any edits to the content
In these instances, the task must be submitted during Step 5: Review and Submit in the 5-Step Task Approval Process for approval by a Task Approver. The following steps occur once the task creator clicks the Submit for Approval button.
An email is automatically sent to all Task Approvers advising that a task is pending approval.
The Task Approver for the branch clicks the Task Review link in the email.
If the Task Approver is already signed in, they will be linked directly to the task preview that needs review on the Task Management screen. Users may have up to 50 pending tasks.
If the Task Approver is not already signed in, they will be taken to the Insellerate sign-in screen and must follow these steps to access the task preview that needs review on the Task Management screen.
Sign in to Insellerate.
Select Task Management from the inTouch dropdown menu.
The Task Management screen opens, displaying all pending tasks. Users may have up to 50 pending tasks.
The Task Approver chooses Approve from the decision options available for the task.
Decision Options
When a Task Approver views a task on the Task Management screen, the task may have several decision options. These may include View Filter Summary, View, Edit, Decline, or Approve. Each of the decision options is described below.
View Filter Summary
Clicking the View Filter Summary icon opens the Filters popup window. This displays all filters associated with the task.
Clicking the View icon opens the Content Library task, where all steps of the 5-Step Task Approval Process can be decisioned.
Clicking Edit (pencil) icon opens the Content Library task, where Steps 3 and 4 of the 5-Step Task Approval Process can be edited.
Clicking the Decline icon opens the Confirm Decline window.
Clicking Yes declines the request, so the task cannot be resumed. Notes are required when declining a task to advise the submitter of the reason for the decline.
Users who submit the task will receive an email advising that the task was declined.
Clicking the Approve icon opens the Confirm Approval window. Clicking Yes approves the task.
Approved tasks occurring in more than one hour can be canceled.
Tasks occurring in less than an hour cannot be canceled
Tasks approved after the scheduled time will be designed to go right after approval.