Inbound Call Routing Report
The Inbound Call Routing Report measures the marketing call-in volume for an organization’s marketing campaigns. It allows users to drill down to detailed information about how incoming calls are handled.
How to View the Inbound Call Routing Report
Select Inbound Call Routing Report from the inSight drop-down menu.
Select the report parameters from the Date, Branch, and Team/Agent drop-down menus.
Date: This defines the time period of the report; it always defaults to the current day when opened.
Branch: The user can select a specific branch for the report.
Team/Agent: The user can select a specific team or agent, or choose all of them for the report.
Click Run Report.
The Inbound Call Routing Report opens.
Click any of the hyperlinked report results to drill down for further details. In this example, clicking the “4” in the Missed Calls column for ICR Test in the inLead Campaign column opens the Missed Calls popup window. Clicking hyperlinked results in any of the popup windows allows the user to continue to drill down for further details.
Columns in the Inbound Call Routing Report
Column Name | Description |
inLead Campaign | Name of any inLead campaign with Inbound Call Routing turned on |
Campaign Number | Inbound number associated to the campaign |
Forwarding Number | Forwarding number associated to the campaign |
Distributed/Answered Calls | Calls answered by an agent via Inbound Call Routing lead distribution |
Missed Calls | Calls that were sent to agents but not answered, then sent to the forwarding number |
Other No Matching Agents Found No Caller ID/Blocked Borrower Hang-up Other Total Other Routed to Primary Agent |
Call is sent to the call forwarding number Call is sent to the call forwarding number Inbound caller hangs up before call is answered or forwarded Calls that ended for an unknown reason Total number of “other” calls CallerID identifies call as an existing lead; call is routed to and answered by the primary agent |
Total Calls | All calls received an Inbound Call Routing number |
Columns in the Popup Window
Column Name | Description |
Date | Datetime of call (Timezone should match the device of the user viewing the report.) |
Call Outcome | Outcome of inbound call |
Phone Number | Borrower phone number calling into the campaign |
TalkTime | Talk time of the call (HH:MM:SS) |
Agents Called | Number of agents called (Clicking on this hyperlink will show the list of agent names that were called. Blank will mean that no eligible agent was found to be called.) |
Current Status | Current status of the application |
Current Activity | Current activity of the application |
Campaign | Campaign name of the ICR phone number |
Campaign Phone Number | Campaign ICR phone number |
Borrower Name | Name on the application |
Borrower Email | Email of the application |
State | Property state of the application |
Winning Agent | Agent who answered the ICR call and connected to the borrower |
Winning Phone Number | Agent phone number that answered the ICR call at the time |
Current Primary Agent | Current primary agent of the application |