Release Notes 147- 7/13/23
New Features/Enhancements
User Configuration
Users can have more than one profile in Insellerate. If a user has more than one profile, it will display the email after the name in the Team/Agent drop-down. Use cases for this could be users with a TPO and a Retail profile.
Content Library (BETA - Coming soon)
Social Media
Users can now set an Expiration date for their posts which will automatically remove them from the platform.
Users can now Delete a published post.
If the content remains unchanged, there is no need to approve the task.
Content Permissions
Roles and branches can be used to set permissions for content users using “and/or” options. The system prompts have been updated to reflect these choices.
Task Management
A new column has been added to the Task Management section, which displays the submission date of the task.
Add Task will have the same user experience as initiating a task from the Content Libary.
Users with access to AgentConnect can access a link in the Content Library.
HTML Editor
Preview will display the document size and borders.
Search by MLS ID
When creating a manual flyer, it is possible to search for an MLS ID.
My Realtor Network: Search by Agent MLS #
To narrow down the search results, check the box that specifies MLS ID as the only search parameter.
Content Library
HTML Editor Tokens
Issue: Token fields used in content required mapping for system fields to populate.
Status: Resolved
HTML Editor
Issue: Phone numbers from the tokes were not showing up in the correct format.
Status: Resolved
Content Library Test Email
Issue: Upon clicking the Search icon, the drop-down menu closed.
Status: Resolved
Partner Registration
Issue: Loading of the Partner Registration page was displaying errors.
Status: Resolved
Follow-Up and Calendar Notifications
Issue: Notifications, not property popping up.
Status: Resolved
User Preferences
Issue: User preference prompt updated from “Default Customer Type“ to “Default inFlow Customer Type.”
Status: Resolved
inTouch SMS Template Updates
Issue: An error message shows “failed to save content” when updating SMS templates.
Status: Resolved
Session Logout or Timeout
Issue: When logged out through session timeout, the system was not redirecting to the Single Sign-On.
Status: Resolved
*AgentConnect information is added early to accommodate the varied time between standard releases.