SSO Debug

SSO Debug

If a user is having Trouble signing in via SSO please run through the following bullets.


  • B2C Object ID does not exist in User Table on the insellerate database but user exist in AAD
    Sometimes user will get this error.

    • Delete in AAD, have user try again (needs DI or DEV)

    • If the user still cannot get in after multiple attempts, please reach out to a DEV.

      • Sometimes user will see this error

  • The isActive column of the User Table on the insellerate database is set to 1

    • Login redirects to login is a side effect of this

    • If it is not set to 1, update it to 1 (needs DI or DEV)

  • Check that the InsUserId and InsTenantId are tied to the Azure account using the API GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users('{{Object ID}}')?$select=id,extension_a06c31bbf07e40a5a3d359891bc64f1f_InsTenantId,extension_a06c31bbf07e40a5a3d359891bc64f1f_InsUserId
    The result should look something like this:

    • Note that authentication by Riley or a Dev is needed

  • SSO user account is provisioned in the client’s SSO tenant

    • Login redirects to login is a side effect of this

      • Check that the email address in the User Table and User Profile table match

        • If they do not match, find out what the correct email is, and update accordingly. (needs DI or DEV)

      • Ask the client’s IT team to check that the email address/user account is provisioned in the client’s SSO tenant.


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