Release Notes 167 - 4/24/24

Release Notes 167 - 4/24/24


Review All Release Notes to see all of the system enhancements we have implemented.

Quick Actions: Call, Text, Add a Note or Schedule a Follow-up from Lists

Users can now take a quick action (Call, SMS, Add Note, or Schedule Follow-up) on contacts or partners from most lists without having to open the record.

Quick actions can be used in Alerts, Workflow Statuses, Queues (for owned leads) and My Pipeline.



SMS: Implementing Character Count Policies for Individual Messages

Mobile providers use character count to determine how many “messages” are sent for billing purposes. This also is determined based on if special characters are included in the message sent from Insellerate.

Insellerate will be updating SMS usage policies to match mobile providers' billing polices. To assist customers with managing overage charges, SMS will now have two levels of service:

  • Standard SMS (default): Each message will have a maximum of 160 characters and non-special characters will be allowed.

  • Advanced SMS (must be requested via Customer Support): Each message will be allowed a maximum of 640 characters and special characters will be allowed.

For billing purposes, the following policy will determine how many messages are sent (industry standard):

  • No special characters in message: 160 characters per message
    (Example: 320 character message sent from Insellerate will count as two messages for billing purposes).

  • With special characters in message: 70 characters per message
    (Example: 320 character message sent from Insellerate will count as five messages for billing purposes).

Review this great article about how carriers determine character count for messages.

Users will now see the see how many characters are left when typing a new message:



New Preference: Set if the Contact Form Starts as Open or Closed

In your User Preferences, you can now determine if you want the Contact Form within inFlow to start as open or closed.




Bugs and Other Updates

Issue: Content Library templates were failing to load in certain use cases.

Status: Resolved


Issue: The Notes section was cut off and not displaying the date/time.

Status: Resolved


Issue: The call count was showing empty in My Pipeline incorrectly.

Status: Resolved

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