Release Notes 155 - 11/8/23

Release Notes 155 - 11/8/23

New Features/Enhancements


Saved Views: Ability to Save Filters

Users can now also save defined filters in tables for future use. All tables provide users the ability to filter the data by column. In the past, you were required to redo the filters after refreshing or logging out/in. Now, if you have a filter for a section or status you prefer as a default, you can filter the data and then save the view. This will now auto-filter each time you log back in or return to that section.

Filter via the columns: https://insellerate.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INSPT/pages/981499931

Save the view via the Save View icon. See the Saved Report Views article for details.

Instagram - BETA

Users can now post images and client-hosted videos to their Instagram account. This is a BETA release so please know updates and enhancements will continue based on client feedback.

There are a few prerequisites to use this integration:

  1. Your Instagram account must be linked to your Facebook Business page. See the How to Connect Instagram and Facebook Accounts article for details.

  2. Your Facebook account must be active within Insellerate. See the Content Library: Social Media l How to Connect to Facebook article for details.

  3. Your marketing admin is responsible for creating Instagram content and giving users permission to use that content.

  4. With permission, your Instagram page will be visible within the Insellerate Instagram content you have permission for. See the Content Library: Social Media l How to Create a Social Media Post article for details.

Audience Creation: Admins' Ability to Exclude Statuses

Admins with Content Library Settings access can now define which statuses to exclude from the Who is your Audience? step when sending an email. An example of using this feature might be to remove the “Do Not Contact” status or other statuses you want to make sure emails are never sent to.

  1. Define which statuses to exclude.


  2. The selected statuses will no longer show in the Status dropdown list for Step 2 of the email send process.


Task Management Page UI Update

The Task Management page has been updated to simplify use.



Updated verbiage to “Results”. Shows how many contacts met the filter criteria and how many were successfully processed / sent. Difference can be because of email unsubscribe settings or other reasons contact should not be included.


Content Edited

Users will now know if the base template was edited by task creator.


Preview Content

Separated out the preview and this will now show a popup preview vs. taking the user to the task.


Other options

Removed preview and consolidated some duplicate actions.

Audience Creation - Partners “Company Name (Branch)” Dropdown

New logic has been added so a user will only see partner companies they have at least one partner associated to. This will clean up the dropdown and remove unrelated partner companies.