Release Notes 147- 7/13/23

Release Notes 147- 7/13/23

New Features/Enhancements


User Configuration

Users can have more than one profile in Insellerate. If a user has more than one profile, it will display the email after the name in the Team/Agent drop-down. Use cases for this could be users with a TPO and a Retail profile.

Content Library (BETA - Coming soon)

Social Media

  • Users can now set an Expiration date for their posts which will automatically remove them from the platform.

  • Users can now Delete a published post.

  • If the content remains unchanged, there is no need to approve the task.

Content Permissions

  • Roles and branches can be used to set permissions for content users using “and/or” options. The system prompts have been updated to reflect these choices.

Task Management

  • A new column has been added to the Task Management section, which displays the submission date of the task.


  • Add Task will have the same user experience as initiating a task from the Content Libary.


  • Users with access to AgentConnect can access a link in the Content Library.

HTML Editor

  • Preview will display the document size and borders.


  • Search by MLS ID

    • When creating a manual flyer, it is possible to search for an MLS ID.

  • My Realtor Network: Search by Agent MLS #

    • To narrow down the search results, check the box that specifies MLS ID as the only search parameter.


Content Library

  • HTML Editor Tokens

Issue: Token fields used in content required mapping for system fields to populate.

Status: Resolved

  • HTML Editor

Issue: Phone numbers from the tokes were not showing up in the correct format.

Status: Resolved

  • Content Library Test Email

Issue: Upon clicking the Search icon, the drop-down menu closed.

Status: Resolved

Partner Registration

Issue: Loading of the Partner Registration page was displaying errors.

Status: Resolved

Follow-Up and Calendar Notifications

Issue: Notifications, not property popping up.

Status: Resolved

User Preferences

Issue: User preference prompt updated from “Default Customer Type“ to “Default inFlow Customer Type.”

Status: Resolved

inTouch SMS Template Updates

Issue: An error message shows “failed to save content” when updating SMS templates.

Status: Resolved

Session Logout or Timeout

Issue: When logged out through session timeout, the system was not redirecting to the Single Sign-On.

Status: Resolved

*AgentConnect information is added early to accommodate the varied time between standard releases.

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