What are Handlebar Helpers?
This document covers the addition of new custom Handlebar Helpers as well as existing ones built into the Handlebar itself. These helpers can be used within inTouch email templates to build in custom logic based on application data.
- 1 Arithmetic
- 1.1 Addition
- 1.2 Subtraction
- 1.3 Multiplication
- 1.4 Division
- 1.5 Comparisons
- 2 String
- 2.1 IsEqual
- 2.2 StringSplit
- 2.3 Contains a String
- 2.4 Contains an Item
- 2.5 Lookup
- 3 Dates
- 3.1 Date Format
- 3.2 Current Date
- 3.3 Add Date
- 3.4 Date Differences
- 4 If Else Conditionals
- 5 Formatters
- 5.1 Currency
- 5.2 Percentage
- 5.3 Concatenate Variables
- 5.4 Replace Characters
- 5.5 Sentence Case Structure
All arithmetic helpers will be in the form of:
{{ HelperName Value1 Value2 #OfDecimalPlaces }}
HelperName (Required) is the arithmetic helper name: add, subtract, multiply, divide
Value1 (Required) can either be an explicit value or a token that represents a number/decimal field in our system.
Value2 (Required) can either be an explicit value or a token that represents a number/decimal field in our system.
#OfDecimalPlaces (Optional) number of decimal places result will have if the result is a decimal.
Default number of decimal places is 0.
Maximum number of decimal places is 5. If a number greater than 5 is entered, the system will default to 5.
Special cases: (see examples below)
A number is being added with a percentage (e.g., {{ add “2%” 2 }})
Will get the sum of the number with its percentage (see examples below)
A number is being added with a currency (e.g., {{ add 2 “$12” }}
Will get the sum of the two values and return a currency
Two constants
{{ add 1 2 }} => 3
{{ add 1.3 2.5 }} => 4
{{ add 1.3 2 2 }} => 3.30
{{ add “2%” 2 2 }} => 2.04
{{ add 4 “$12.56” 2}} => $16.56
inTouch Token
[Purchase Amount] = $100, [Sell Amount] = $200, [APR] = 5%
{{ add [Purchase Amount] 200 }} => $300
{{ add 100 [Sell Amount] }} => $300
{{ add [Purchase Amount] [Sell Amount] }} => $300
{{ add [Sell Amount] [APR] }} => $210
{{ add [APR] 3 2}} => 3.15
{{ add [APR] [APR] }} => 6%
Special cases
A number is being subtracted by a percentage (e.g., {{ subtract “2%” 2 }})
Will get the difference of the number with its percentage (see examples below)
A number is being subtracted with a currency (e.g., {{ add 2 “$12” }}
Will get the difference of the two values and return a currency
Two constants
{{ subtract 2 1 }} => 1
{{ subtract 2.5 1.3 }} => 1
{{ subtract 1.3 2 2 }} => -.70
{{ subtract “2%” 2 2 }} => -1.96
{{ subtract “$12.56” 4 2}} => $8.56
inTouch Token
[Purchase Amount] = $100, [Sell Amount] = $200, [APR] = 5%
{{ subtract [Purchase Amount] 50 }} => $50
{{ subtract 100 [Sell Amount] }} => -$100
{{ subtract [Purchase Amount] [Sell Amount] }} => -$100
{{ subtract [Sell Amount] [APR] }} => $190
{{ subtract [APR] 3 2}} => -2.85
{{ subtract [APR] [APR] }} => 0%
Format: {{ multiply Value1 Value2 #OfDecimalPlaces}}
Special cases
A number is being multiplied by a percentage (e.g., {{ multiply “2%” 2 }})
Result will be the percentage of the value being multiplied (see examples below)
Two constants
{{ multiply 2 1 }} => 2
{{ multiply 2.5 1.3 }} => 3
{{ multiply 1.3 2 2 }} => 2.60
{{ multiply “2%” 2 2 }} => .04
{{ multiply “$12.56” 4 2}} => $50.24
inTouch Token
[Purchase Amount] = $100, [Sell Amount] = $200, [APR] = 5%
{{ multiply [Purchase Amount] 50 }} => $5000
{{ multiply 100 [Sell Amount] }} => $20000
{{ multiply [Purchase Amount] [Sell Amount] }} => $20000
{{ multiply [Sell Amount] [APR] }} => $10
{{ multiply [APR] 3 2}} => .15
{{ multiply [APR] [APR] }} => 25%
Format: {{ divide Value1 Value2 #OfDecimalPlaces}}
Special cases
A number is being multiplied by a percentage (e.g., {{ divide “2%” 2 }})
Result will be the (see examples below)
Two constants
{{ divide 2 1 }} => 2
{{ divide 2.5 1.3 }} => 2
{{ divide 1.3 2 2 }} => .65
{{ divide “2%” 2 2 }} => 1%
{{ divide “$12.56” 4 2}} => $3.14
inTouch Token
[Purchase Amount] = $100, [Sell Amount] = $200, [APR] = 5%
{{ divide [Purchase Amount] 50 }} => $2
{{ divide 100 [Sell Amount] 1 }} => $.5
{{ divide [Sell Amount] [Purchase Amount] }} => $2
{{ divide [Sell Amount] [APR] }} => $4000
{{ divide [APR] 3 2}} => 1.67%
{{ divide [APR] [APR] }} => 1%
This helper does comparisons on numeric values.
Usage: Create an “eq” helper
Format: eq(string left, string right)
Attempt to convert each input into numeric.
If a string is not convertible to numeric, then ignore.
If any value cannot be converted to numeric then evaluation is always false.
eq(“100”, ““) => false
eq(null) => false
eq(null, ““) => false
eq(“100”, 100) => true
eq(101, “100”) => false
eq(100, “101”) => false
Usage: Create an “lt” helper
Format: lt(string left, string right)
Attempt to convert each input into numeric.
If a string is not convertible to numeric, then ignore.
If any value cannot be converted to numeric then evaluation is always false.
lt(“100”, ““) => false
lt(null) => false
lt(null, ““) => false
lt(“100”, 100) => false
lt(101, “100”) => false
lt(100, “101”) => true
Usage: Create an “lteq” helper
Format: lteq(string left, string right)
Attempt to convert each input into numeric.
If a string is not convertible to numeric, then ignore.
If any value cannot be converted to numeric then evaluation is always false.
lteq(“100”, ““) => false
lteq(null) => false
lteq(null, ““) => false
lteq(“100”, 100) => true
lteq(101, “100”) => false
lteq(100, “101”) => true
Usage: Create a “gt” helper
Format: gt(string left, string right)
Attempt to convert each input into numeric.
If a string is not convertible to numeric, then ignore.
If any value cannot be converted to numeric then evaluation is always false.
gt(“100”, ““) => false
gt(null) => false
gt(null, ““) => false
gt(“100”, 100) => false
gt(101, “100”) => true
gt(100, “101”) => false
Usage: Create a “gteq” helper
Format: gteq(string left, string right)
Attempt to convert each input into numeric.
If a string is not convertible to numeric, then ignore.
If any value cannot be converted to numeric then evaluation is always false.
gteq(“100”, ““) => false
gteq(null) => false
gteq(null, ““) => false
gteq(“100”, 100) => true
gteq(101, “100”) => true
gteq(100, “101”) => false
All string helpers will be in the form of:
{{ HelperName Value1 Value2 ComparisonBoolean }}
HelperName (Required) is the string-helper name: IsEqual, StringSplit
Value1 (Required) can either be an explicit value or a token that represents a string field in our system.
Value2 (Required) can either be an explicit value or a token that represents a string field in our system.
ComparisonBoolean (Optional) Enable or disable a certain feature with a value or token that represents a string field in our system:
Default argument is true.
Can enter “true” or “false”.
Format: {{ is-equal Value1 Value2 ComparisonBoolean }}
Special cases
Comparing two strings are equal, allowing case sensitivity.
Defaults to not case-sensitive
{{ is-equal “foo” “foo” }} => true
{{ is-equal “foo” “Foo” }} => true
Optional explicit argument on disabling case-sensitive
{{ is-equal “foo” “Foo” true }} => true
{{ is-equal “foo” “Foo” false }} => false
Handling null arguments
{{ is-equal “foo” null true }} => false
{{ is-equal “foo” null false }} => false
{{ is-equal “foo” null }} => false
Format: {{ string-split Value1 Value2 }}
Splitting a string via a certain character.
{{ string-split ‘Who let the dogs out?’ ‘o’ }} => “Wh”
{{ string-split ‘Who let the dogs out?’ ‘t’ }} => “Who le”
{{ string-split ‘InsellerateX’ ‘X’ }} => “Insellerate”
Retrieving the n-th string split.
{{ string-split ‘InsellerateX’ ‘X’ 0 }} => “Insellerate” because indexing starts at 0.
{{ string-split ‘InsellerateX’ ‘X’ 1 }} => “” because there is exactly 1 instance of X.
{{ string-split ‘Who let the dogs out?’ ‘o’ 0 }} => “Wh”
{{ string-split ‘Who let the dogs out?’ ‘o’ 1 }} => “ let the d”
{{ string-split ‘Who let the dogs out?’ ‘o’ 2 }} => “ gs ”
Contains a String
Format: contains-string(string source, string search, bool isCaseSensitive=false)
contains-string(null, “something”) => false
contains-string(“something”, null) => false
contains-string(“something”, “something”) => true
contains-string({{some token}}, {{some other token}}) => if {{some other token}} exists in {{some token}} then true else false
contains-string(“something”, “Something”) => true
contains-string(“something”, “Something”, “true”) => false
Contains an Item
Format: contains-item (object item, bool is CaseSensitive, object[] collection)
contains-item(null, ‘false’, “1”, “2”, “3”) => false
contains-item(null, ‘false’, null) => false
contains-item(null 'false', “1”) => false
contains-item(“1”, ‘false’, “1”, “2”, “3”) => true
contains-item({{some token}}, 'false', [“1”, “2”, “3”], {{some token}}) => if token exists in collection then true else false
contains-item(“A”, ‘true’, “a“, “b“, “c“) => false since case sensitivity is set to true.
All lookup helpers will be in the form of:
{{ HelperName Value1 Value2 DefaultValue }}
HelperName (Required) is the lookup-helper name: LookupHelper, MultiLookupHelper
Value1 (Required) The dictionary containing the key-value pairs.
Value2 (Required) A lookup Id that maps to system values (e.g., lookup id for loan-purpose type to loan-purpose type).
DefaultValue (Optional) The default value that gets returned in the case at 3 or more arguments are passed, but Value2 is an invalid lookup ID.
Format: {{ lookup DictionaryInstance LookupValue DefaultValue }}
Standard lookup
Assume the lookup-ID key for loan-purpose type is “1234.” Then
{{ lookup [JSON dictionary instance] “1234” }} => loan-purpose type
Default-value lookup
Assume “0000” is an invalid lookup ID. Then
{{ lookup [JSON dictionary instance] “0000” “loan-officer name” }} => loan-officer name
Date Format
Format: {{ format-date Date FormatString TimeZoneId }}
Date (Required) is the date or datetime to be formatted
FormatString (Required) is the format the result should be (please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.tostring?view=net-5.0 for a comprehensive list of the different formats.)
TimeZoneId (optional, i.e., 'Pacific Standard Time') Parameter must be in single or double quotes. If null or invalid, returns UTC timezone (please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones for a comprehensive list of the different timezones.)
Please Note: If an explicit date or date format with spaces is inputted enclose the values in quotations (see examples below)
An explicit date
{{ format-date “11/29/2001 20:20:20” “dd MMM HH:mm:ss” }} => 29 Nov 20:20:20
{{ format-date “11/29/2001 20:20:20” “dd MMM HH:mm:ss” “Pacific Standard Time” }} => 29 Nov 20:20:20
inTouch Token
[Purchase Date] = “11/29/2001 20:20:20”
{{ format-date [Purchase Date] “dd-MM-yy” }} => 11-29-01
{{ format-date [Purchase Date] “D” }} => Thursday, November 29, 2001
Current Date
Usage: {{ current-date }}
No parameters are required, it will return current date in UTC
{{current-date}} => “10/26/2021 3:39:16 PM”
Add Date
Usage: {{ dateadd }} (Datetime datetime, int increment, string interval)
Supported Interval
millisecond, ms
second, ss, s
minute, mi, n, m
hour, hh, h,
day, dd, d
month, mm
year, yyyy, yy, y
Date Differences
This helper will calculate date differences.
Difference Types
Edge Cases
For a return value out of range for int (-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647),
returns the min value for int.If only a time value is assigned to a date data type variable,
sets the value of the missing date part to the current date.
If Else Conditionals
Format: {{#if condition1}} resultIfCondition1 {{else}} resultOtherwise {{/if}}
{{#if condition1}} (Required)
{{/if}} (Required)
{{else}} (Optional)
If statements must start with an {{#if}} and end in {{/if}}. Multiple If else statements can be nested:
{{#if condition1 }}
{{#if condition2}}
{{#if condition1 }} result1 {{else}} {{#if condition2}} result2 {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if true}} “Hello” {{/if}} => “Hello”
{{#if false}} “Hello” {{/if}} => null
{{#if false}} “Hello” {{else}} “GoodBye” {{/if}} => “GoodBye”
inTouch Token
[Is First Home Buyer] = true, [Custom 1] = “Congratulations First Home Buyer!”, [Custom 2] = “Congratulations!”
{{#if [Is First Home Buyer]}} {{[Custom 1]}} {{else}} {{[Custom 2]}} {{/if}} => “Congratulations First Home Buyer!”
This formatter helper is Currency, used to format numeric values to currency with some optional parameters.
Currency helper uses the format from C# Custom numeric format strings | Microsoft Docs
Usage: {{ format-currency value optionalParameters}}
format-currency (Required) is the helper name
Value (Required): value string to format to currency, Parameter must be in single or double quotes if contains spaces
format (Optional): format to apply, Parameter must be in single or double quotes, by default 0,0.00 reference https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/custom-numeric-format-strings
prefix: prefix to apply, Parameter must be in single or double quotes, defaults to $
suffix: suffix to apply, Parameter must be in single or double quotes, defaults to empty string
Value = 1518.53
{{ format-currency Value }} => $1,518.53
{{ format-currency Value '0' }} => $1519
{{ format-currency Value '0.0' }} => $1518.5
{{ format-currency Value '0.00' }} => $1518.53
{{ format-currency Value '0,0' }} => $1,519
{{ format-currency value '0,0.00' '#' }} => #1,518.53
{{ format-currency value '0,0.00' '#' 'USD' }} => #1,518.53USD
This helper will format any numeric value to its percentage representation in string.
Format: {{ format-percent value rule }}
format-percent (Required): is the helper name
value (Required): value in string to format into percentage representation
rule (Optional): defines the formatting output that is going to be applied to the value. There are three main outputs depending on the following rules. Taking this as an input: 10.1993%
NULL/Empty (no defined rule) => will default with two decimals rounded => 10.20%
0.#T (1 decimal truncated) => will truncate the value using one decimal => 10.1%
0.#R (1 decimal rounded) => will round the value using one decimal => 10.2%
The number of #s after the '0'. defines the number of decimals to use for the rounded/truncate operations. Meaning that for 10.6789%
with 0.###T will output => 10.678%
with 0.###R will output => 10.679%
value = 10.56789
Test Default Rule: {{format-percent value}} => 10.58%
Test Rounded Rule One Decimal: {{format-percent value "0.#R"}} => 10.6%
Test Rounded Rule Two Decimals: {{format-percent value "0.##R"}} => 10.58%
Test truncate Rule One Decimal: {{format-percent value "0.#T"}} => 10.5%
Test truncate Rule Two Decimals: {{format-percent value "0.##T"}} => 10.56%
Test Default Rule With Sign: {{format-percent value%}} => 10.58%
Concatenate Variables
Usage: Take a collection of input strings or tokens and concatenate them.
Sample: Token1 = 'd'
concat('a', ‘b') => ab
concat(“a”, “b”) => ab
concat('a ‘, Token1, Token1, ' b’) => a dd b
concat('a') => a
concat(null, 'a', Token1) => ad
Replace Characters
Replace common characters or strings.
Usage: replace ( string source, string search, string replace, boolean isCaseSensitive=false )
Method logic
If any of the required parameters are null then return the empty string
i.e., {{ replace null, “a” “b” }} => ““If there are any matches in the source from the search then replace all occurrences of the search string
i.e., {{ replace “abcda” “a” “z” }} => “zbcdz”Support nested evaluations
i.e., {{ replace ( replace “abcda” “a” “z” ) “b”, “d” }} => “zdcdz”Get token binding to work where ever it is defined
i.e., see tokenBindingTestTemplate.png and tokenBindingTestEmail.png
Sentence Case Structure
Properly format the casing of words.
Usage: take a string where the first letter of each word is capitalized following the rule of “Title Casing”
title-case(today IS a GOOD dAy) => Today is a Good Day
title-case(the goat and the goose) => The Goat and the Goose
title-case(a pumpkin and a carrot) => A Pumpkin and a Carrot)
title-case({{some token}} => {{some token}} is title case form