Export Action Tool
Users can export lead details to clients through the Export icon on the Action Tools toolbar.
The Export action tool contains Byte, Encompass, and Calyx options if the Superadmin and User Registration are set up correctly.
Click inFlow 2.0 from the inFlow dropdown list.
Select an option from the Lists, Queues, or Workflows in the Menu Panel. In this example, we have selected New Lead and the leads are listed in the Record List Panel to the right.
Select a lead. In this example, we are selecting the first lead (Mae Roberts) from the list.
Click the Export icon on the Action Tools toolbar in the Record Details Panel that opens to the right. (A dropdown opens offering the export options that have been configured in Superadmin. In this example, only Encompass is configured for export.)
Select the correct export option. Be sure that any work or updates have been saved prior to export.
A blue popup notification appears confirming the export is in progress.
A green popup notification confirming the export has been successfully sent appears. The exported file will be assigned to and available in the specific LOS location.