Classic - Bulk Upload for Partners
Bulk Upload for Partners Overview
The Bulk Upload feature may be used to add Partners to Insellerate. Users must contact Insellerate Support to enable the permissions for this feature. Users can upload a CSV file containing all of the information on their Partner and the agent with whom they work.
Bulk Partner Upload Template
Download and open the Bulk Partner Upload Template.
Row 2 shows the sample date.
Delete Row 2 when you are done reviewing the template.
Add all of the Partner information.
Save the Bulk Partner Upload Template.
Upload the file.
How to Bulk Upload Partners
Navigate to inFlow.
Select Partners to open the Partner Registration screen.
Click Bulk Upload.
The Partner Bulk Upload screen opens.
Select the Default Campaign to associate the uploaded Partners. (Review the Creating Campaigns for Partner Association article for more information on how to set up campaigns for Partners.)
Select the Insellerate System Branch Association for the uploaded Partner Leads. The Branches Association will determine the visibility to the Partners.
Select the Partner Type for the uploaded Partners.
The Initial Status field is a view-only field that displays the initial status of the uploaded Partner. This is set when Creating Campaigns for Partner Association. This will be the starting status in the inFlow Pipeline Panel for an uploaded Partner.
The Initial Activity field is a view-only field that displays the initial activity of the uploaded Partner. This is set when Creating Campaigns for Partner Association. This will be the starting activity in the inFlow Application Panel for an uploaded Partner.
Add the CSV template to the Data Upload section. There are two options to upload the Partner Upload Template.
Drag and drop the file in the Data Upload section.
Click in the Data Upload section to access File Explorer to select the file for upload.
Click the Bulk Upload button to add and upload your Partners.
How to Create a Partner Bulk Upload CSV File
Download the Partner Bulk Upload CSV template.
Complete all of the applicable fields in the template.
Field Explanations in Order of the Report Columns
External ContactTypeID is the Partner type.
If blank, it will default to Referral Partner.
This field can be used to add a license number associated with your Partner.
FirstName (Required Field)
Enter the Partner’s first name.
LastName (Required Field)
Enter the Partner’s last name.
Email (Required Field)
Enter the Partner’s email.
Warning: If you do not enter a Parter email in any row, the entire upload will fail.
Enter the Partner’s mobile phone number.
Enter the Partner’s work phone number.
Enter a work extension number, if applicable.
Enter the website for the Partner.
Enter the city for the Partner.
Enter the state for the Partner.
Branch Association
Determines the branches that can see this Partner.
If blank, it will default to All.
Campaign ID
Enter the campaign that the Partner should be associated with.
If it is not entered or the system does not find an exact match, it will default to the Default Campaign selected on the Partner Bulk Upload screen.
Leave this field blank if using AssignToUserID.
This is the assignee associated with the Partner.
If it is not entered or the system does not find an exact match, it will default to the Default Assignee selected on the Partner Bulk Upload screen.
Leave this field blank if using AssignTo.
This is the assignee email address associated with the Partner.
If it is not entered or the system does not find an exact match, it will default to the Default Assignee email from the selection on the Partner Bulk Upload screen.
Enter the address for the Partner.
Enter the postal code for the Partner.
Enter the professional title for your Partner, if applicable.
Can be used to define the Partner’s status.
This field can be used to store any value your organization wants to associate with a Partner.
Contact Insellerate Support to add the field to inFlow in the Partner Application Panel.
Add any applicable notes for a Partner.
Add a URL linking to a picture of a Partner.
Add a branch name for your Partner.
Enter a branch phone number for your Partner.
Enter a website for the branch of your Partner.
Enter a city for the branch of your Partner.
Enter a state for the branch of your Partner.
Determines the branches that can see this Partner.
If blank, it will default to All
Add a company name for your Partner.
Enter a website for your Partner’s company.
Enter a company ID for your Partner.
This is the unique ID (assigned by Insellerate) of a company.
Enter a company organization ID.
Enter the user ID for your Partner at their company.
Enter the company TPO ID.
Enter the company code for your Partner’s company.
Enter the owner name for your Partner’s company.
Enter the phone number for your Partner’s company.
Enter the fax number for your Partner’s company.
Enter the email for your Partner’s company.
Enter the company website URL.
Enter the company NMLS.
Enter the branch company sales representative user ID for your Partner’s company.
Enter the branch company city for your Partner’s company.
Enter the state ID for your Partner’s state.
Enter the address for your Partner’s company.
Enter the postal code for your Partner’s company.
Determines the branches that can see this Partner.
If blank, it will default to All.
Enter the Types of Products offered by your Partners
Enter the Loan Purpose types offered by your Partners.
Enter the Channel Type for your Partner.
Define the company Partner’s status.
Other Fields: Other1, Other2, Other3, Other4, Other5, Other6
Other fields are optional custom fields that can be used by your organization to store additional applicable data about your Partners.
This field can be used by your organization to add emails for team members who work with your Partner on their leads.
This field can be used by your organization to add emails for team members who work with your Partner on their leads.