SMS Overview
This article covers the following topics about SMS messaging:
SMS Overview
The SMS feature allows users to directly message the borrower, co-borrowers, and external contacts defined in the application. Users can view their SMS number within the User Profile by clicking their user avatar in the User Settings in the top right corner.
SMS permissions are turned on within Superadmin and managed by the organization’s administrator. The SMS number is tied to the user’s account and can send and receive messages. If a mobile number is saved within the application and users have SMS permissions, text messages can be sent to this number.
SMS Icon
The SMS icon appears in three places: Quick Action Tools, Action Tools toolbar, and notifications.
Quick Action Tools
Clicking the Send SMS icon on the Quick Action Tools opens a chatbox for the lead that is selected.
Action Tools Toolbar
Clicking the SMS icon on the Action Tools toolbar opens a chatbox for the lead that is open.
Clicking the SMS Notifications icon opens a dropdown that chronologically lists all SMS conversations, with the most recent conversation on top. Each SMS conversation displays the last message in the conversation.
Each row of unread messages has an individual Unread Message count.
If the chatbox is closed, the SMS Notification icon shakes and displays the total Unread Message count.
If the user refreshes the page or logs out/logs in, no Unread Message count is displayed.
Sending Messages
Users must be assigned to the lead to send SMS messages. If a user can view the lead based on their permissions, they can also view all SMS correspondence. Because messages do not update in real time, a page refresh is required to see the most recent messages.
If a user is no longer assigned to a lead, the SMS text box will be grayed out. For example, if a user is assigned to a lead and has an SMS conversation with the contact but the lead is reassigned to someone else, the original owner will no longer be able to send SMS messages to the contact.
Receiving Messages
If an external contact (real estate agent, referral partner) is assigned to multiple applications, they may receive multiple SMS messages from the same agent. When an external contact replies to a conversation, it is displayed in the application that was last updated.
If multiple applications have the same mobile number, the last application updated receives the SMS message.
If the borrower and co-borrower have the same mobile number, only one of them will appear in the chatbox.
If the borrower or co-borrower has the same mobile number as an external contact, the external contact receives the SMS message.
To receive images, agents must have MMS enabled and “display images” permission turned On within Insellerate to receive images. If MMS is enabled but “display images” permission is turned off, agents will be notified that an image was attempted.
Character Count Policies for Individual Messages
Mobile providers use character count to determine how many “messages” are sent for billing purposes. This also is determined based on if special characters are included in the message sent from Insellerate. Users can see the see how many characters are left when typing a new message.
Insellerate’s SMS usage policies match mobile providers' billing polices. SMS has two levels of service:
Standard SMS (default): Each message will have a maximum of 160 characters and non-special characters will be allowed.
Advanced SMS (must be requested via Customer Support): Each message will be allowed a maximum of 640 characters and special characters will be allowed.
For billing purposes, the following policy will determine how many messages are sent (industry standard):
No special characters in message: 160 characters per message
(Example: 320 character message sent from Insellerate will count as two messages for billing purposes).With special characters in message: 70 characters per message
(Example: 320 character message sent from Insellerate will count as five messages for billing purposes).
SMS Chatbox
When a user clicks the SMS icon, a chatbox opens on the screen. The borrower’s name is listed at the top of the chatbox. Clicking the borrower’s name in the header opens their application. The chatbox is not persistent across different Insellerate screens. If the user leaves inFlow or another Insellerate section, all open chatboxes are closed.
Clicking the Minimize icon, minimizes the chatbox. The chatbox header remains at the bottom of the screen. The header flashes green for the most recent incoming message.
Clicking the Maximize icon, reopens the chatbox. The conversation section switches to the conversation with the most recent incoming message.
Clicking the X icon, closes the chatbox.
If multiple chatboxes are open, they will minimize and stack on top of each other based on the user’s screen size.
All contacts that have a mobile number defined in the application appear in the left panel of the chatbox. Each contact displays their name, role, mobile number, and a colored consent icon. (See the Consent article for details.) The conversation displayed in the chatbox is with the contact highlighted in blue.
In the right panel, the Assignment section shows all agents assigned to the application. The conversation displayed in the chatbox is from the agent highlighted in blue.
All messages with the selected contact appear in the Messages section. The user’s messages appear in blue chat bubbles; the contact’s responses appear in grey chat bubbles. Each message has a timestamp listed below. Users can scroll and view all of the messages ever sent to the contact.
This space is where the user writes a message. The user clicks Send to send the message.
Images can be received in text conversations by agents. Agents must have MMS enabled and “display images” permission turned On within Insellerate to receive images. If MMS is enabled but “display images” permission is turned off, agents and the sender will be notified that an image was attempted.
Agents have the option to download images by clicking the Download button at the bottom right of the image.
The consent status is in each contact card on the left as a color-coded circle. To send a consent request to a contact, the user clicks the Consents button to view all consent statuses for each contact. Users can also send/resend consent in this section. See the Consent article for details.
Red - No Consent
Yellow - Pending Consent
Green - Consented
Partner Consent
When a partner is added, and the associated partner has granted consent for SMS, the consent will apply to all applications associated with the partner. You can text the partner on any associated application without asking for additional consent.