Prerecorded Voicemail for Outbound Calls

Prerecorded Voicemail for Outbound Calls


This article describes two features of the webphone:

  • How to Create a Pre-recorded Voicemail

  • How to Leave a Pre-recorded Voicemail

This video shows how it works:  https://app.screencast.com/UPeAUnuPHLB7y.

How to Create a Pre-recorded Voicemail

  1. Select the Settings icon on the webphone.


  2. Open the Audio File tab.


  3. Click Record New Voicemail.


  4. Wait a beat (count to 1) and start recording your voicemail message.

  5. Click Stop Recording Voicemail when complete.


  6. Click the arrow button play back the newly recorded voicemail. Click Record New Audio to re-record.


  7. The newly recorded audio message appears in the Record Audio section.


  8. Click the arrow to play back the new message.


  9. The Description field is automatically populated with a file name for the message. You can change this to a description that helps you recall the message content. In this example, we will rename the message as The Training Message.

    The automatically populated file name in the Description filed.

    The customized file name in the Description field.

  10. Click Upload to upload the new audio file.


  11. The new file appears listed in the Audio Files section. The custom description you created is listed in the Description column and the original, automatically-populated file name is listed in the File Name column. The file name now includes a .wav extension.


  12. Click Save to add the new audio file to the Audio Files list.


How to Leave a Pre-recorded Voicemail

Pressing the Audio button during an active call allows the user to leave a pre-recorded voicemail.

  1. Place a call: enter the phone number and click Call.


  2. The Audio button is greyed out until the call is answered.


  3. Click the Audio button to open the popup window listing the available audio files.


  4. Select an audio file containing a pre-recorded voicemail. Note: the new audio file created in the previous section, called The Training Message, is a listed option.
    Note: The audio file cannot be selected until after the beep.

  5. Once the audio file is selected, the call automatically hangs up allowing you to place the next call.


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