Classic - Pre-recorded Voicemail
This article describes two features of the webphone:
How to Create a Pre-recorded Voicemail
How to Leave a Pre-recorded Voicemail
This video shows how it works:
This feature is only available in webphone version 3.10. The webphone configuration for that organization org must be turned on for Audio.
How to Create a Pre-recorded Voicemail
Select the Settings icon on the webphone.
Open the Audio File tab.
Click Record New Voicemail.
Wait a beat (count to 1) and start recording your voicemail message.
Click Stop Recording Voicemail when complete.
Click the arrow button play back the newly recorded voicemail. Click Record New Audio to re-record.
Click Upload to upload the new audio file.
Click Save to add the new audio file to the Audio Files list.
Once the voicemail is saved, it cannot be deleted. Insellerate is working to make the recording deleteable.
How to Leave a Pre-recorded Voicemail
Pressing the Audio button during an active call allows the user to leave a pre-recorded voicemail.
Place a call: enter the phone number and click Call.
The Audio button is greyed out until the call is answered.
While the call is ringing,
the Audio button is grey.When the call is answered,
the Audio button turns black.Click the Audio button to open the popup window listing the available audio files.
Select an audio file containing a pre-recorded voicemail .
Note: The audio file cannot be selected until after the beep.Once the audio file is selected, the call automatically hangs up allowing you to place the next call.