Classic - Release Notes 126- 9/15/22
New Features/Enhancements
Admin: Organization Settings
What does it mean for Admins?
The Organization Settings show only the options that the administrator has permission to manage.
Admin: User Registration Option to Separate Lead and Admin Permissions at the Branch Level
When setting up a user, you can now define the branch association and, if applicable, grant branch administration permissions.
For example:
If a user needs ONLY to see leads from a branch, then you give them the Branch permission.
If a user needs to perform Admin functions for a branch, you will give them the Branch and the Admin Branch Permission.
inLead: Marketing Campaigns
Why it Matters to Marketing Managers
Branch Association Required
A branch association is now required for all Marketing Campaigns. You can target specific branches with a marketing campaign. If none is selected, it will default to All branches.
Inbound Call Routing (ICR) to Branches
You can now associate marketing campaigns to send calls to specific branches.
Associated Branch Tooltip
A new tooltip has been added to the associated branches field stating, “Defines branch view/access permissions for all areas that lead campaigns are used: open leads, unassigned, ICR, and reporting.”
inLead: Distribution Groups
Why it matters to Marketing Managers and Admins
You can now add branches to distribution groups to use in Marketing Campaigns.
inTouch: Task Creation
Issue: No error message was displayed when a task was created, and a required field was blank.
Status: Resolved
inTouch: Task Templates
Issue: Tokens to pull in data were getting cut off in the user display.
Status: Resolved
Admin: Custom Queues
Issue: Users without all branch permissions were able to add and/or remove all branch permissions.
Status: Resolved
Integrations: Quantum
Issue: The Quantum integration was not pulling in the loan number.
Status: Resolved
Integrations: Byte
Issue: Data discrepancies pulling data from Byte.
Status: Resolved
Integrations: TPS
Issue: The scroll bar was not functioning.
Status: Resolved
inSight: My Pipeline
Issue: My Pipeline results were not being filtered by branch permissions.
Status: Resolved
inSight: Inbound Call Routing (ICR) Report
Issue: The report was not populating accurately when the user has “All” branch permission.
Status: Resolved
inLead: Default Agent Routing
Issue: The default agent routing was not properly routing.
Status: Resolved